Agenda item

Application Number: 16/0582 - 154 Guildford Road, West End GU24 9LT


The application was for the erection of entrance gates and walls (retrospective). (Amended plans recv'd 3/4/17 & 5/4/17).


The application would normally have been determined under the Council’s Scheme of Delegation, however, it was reported to the Planning Applications Committee at the request of Cllr Mansfield.

Members were advised of the following updates:

‘One representation has been received from a neighbour confirming that the proposal does not interfere with the line of sight from their access onto Guildford Road and that the walls enhance the appearance of the property, so raising no objections.’

Some Members felt that retrospective applications showed a disregard for planning policy.  In addition the proposal’s fencing line did not correlate with the original fence line.  It was felt that this would have an impact on visibility on the highway.

Members were advised that the fact that the application was retrospective was not a reason to refuse an application and the development still needed to be assessed on its own merits. A condition had been added to ensure that no solid gates were installed at the entrance of the site in order to safeguard the openness of the area in the interests of the Green Belt.

Resolved that application 16/0582 be approved subject to conditions as set out in the report of the Executive Head – Regulatory.

Note 1

The recommendation to approve the application was proposed by Councillor Vivienne Chapman and seconded by Councillor Jonathan Lytle.


Note 2

In accordance with Part 4, Section D, paragraph 18 of the Constitution, the voting in relation to the application was as follows:


Voting in favour of the recommendation to approve the application:


Councillors Dan Adams, Richard Brooks, Nick Chambers, Vivienne Chapman, , Edward Hawkins, Ruth Hutchinson, Jonathan Lytle, Max Nelson, Robin Perry, Conrad Sturt, and Valerie White.


Voting against the recommendation to approve the application:


Councillors Malcaus Cooper and David Mansfield.



Supporting documents: