Issue - decisions

Frimley Lodge Park Parking Charges

23/07/2018 - Introduction of Parking Charges at Frimley Lodge Park

The Executive considered a report proposing the introduction of parking charges at Frimley Lodge Park. The report outlined the reasons for introducing a charge, which principally concerned addressing the poor state of the park’s car park and future maintenance of the park. The Council’s Section 151 Officer also provided the wider context of the Council’s financial position and the anticipated budget position in the coming years.


Conservative estimates based on recent studies showed that approximately 100,000 cars parked in Frimley Lodge Park car park per year. The current parking facilities were considered to be of a poor standard and often did not provide adequate capacity, which led to dangerous parking at peak times.


The cost to resurface and re-line the current car park and install pay and display machines was expected to be in the region of £200,000. It was estimated that parking tariffs could generate additional income of up to £90k per annum, based upon current visitor levels.


The Executive considered the proposal and reviewed the costs outlined in the report. Queries were raised about whether the estimated £90k income, based on current figures, was achievable as introducing charges could result in a reduction of use of the car park, although it was advised that this was a conservative estimate. It was also felt that the proportion of the income which was proposed to be re-invested in the facilities should be better defined.


The proposed repairs to the surface of the car park were discussed and it was emphasised that any resurfacing must be in keeping with the surroundings of the park.


Members agreed that a consultation with stakeholders and an Equality Impact Assessment would need to be undertaken before any decision to introduce charges could be made. Furthermore, it was felt that greater details were needed on the variable parking rates, the practicalities of implementing the charges, and the impact of the proposals on Blue Badge Holders.


Concerns were raised that introducing parking charges at the park would negatively affect parking on surrounding roads. It was also felt that introducing these charges did not support the healthy living agenda.


The Executive discussed whether the proposals should be deferred or refused and agreed by a majority not to introduce charges at Frimley Lodge Park.


RESOLVED that parking charges at Frimley Lodge Park would not be introduced.