Issue - decisions

Consultation on the Issues and Options/Preferred options Draft Local Plan (Regulation18 Consultation)

30/05/2018 - Consultation on the Issues and Options/Preferred options Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18 Consultation)

The Council was in the first stages of producing a new Local Plan to cover the period 2016-2032. This Plan would replace the current adopted Core Strategy and the Camberley Town Centre Area Action Plan, in addition to saved policies of the Surrey Heath Local Plan 2000.


The first stage was the Issues and Options/Preferred Options and set out the Council’s preferred approach to developing Local Plan policies to cover a number of topics: housing, employment, retail, infrastructure, Green Belt and countryside, heritage and design and local area policies, along with possible alternative approaches.


Members noted the statutory requirement to consult on this stage of the Local Plan (Regulation 18 consultation) and the accompanying Sustainability Appraisal for a period of no less than 6 weeks and agreed to extend this to an 8 week consultation period. It was intended to run the consultation from early June 2018.




                                    (i)          an eight week consultation be held on the Issues and Options/Preferred Options draft Local Plan document, as attached at Annex 1 to the agenda report;, and


                                  (ii)          an eight week consultation be held on the Sustainability Appraisal on the Issues and Options/Preferred Option draft Local Plan document, as attached as Annex 2 to the agenda report.