Issue - decisions

Draft Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) Consultation

13/03/2017 - Draft Statement of Community Involvement Consultation

The Executive was reminded that, in October 2016, the Local Development Scheme for the production of a new Local Plan had been agreed. The Statement of Community Involvement (SCI), which set out how the Council would involve the community in both the preparation of the Local Plans and associated Development Plan Documents, wouldform part of the Local Plan.


The previous SCI had been adopted in May 2012. This revised SCI had taken into account changes in legislation and guidance since this date, in particular in relation to Duty to Co-operate requirements, changes around Neighbourhood Planning, and updated community contacts.


The updated SCI would be subject to a period of public consultation, following which the Executive would be asked to adopt a final version.


The Regulatory Portfolio Holder and officers undertook to consider alternative wording where the SCI referred to ‘hard to reach groups’.


RESOLVED that the draft Statement of Community Involvement (SCI), as attached at Annex A to the agenda report, be published for a six week consultation process.