Issue - decisions

5 Year Strategy

27/10/2021 - Five Year Strategy 2022 -2027

The Executive RECOMMENDED to Full Council that


(i)            the new Five Year Strategy, as set out at Annex B to the agenda report, as amended, be adopted; and


(ii)          the final amendments to the content of the strategy be delegated to the Chief Executive in consultation with the Leader.

07/06/2021 - Five Year Strategy 2021 - 2026 - update

The Executive considered a report setting out the timescales for the preparation of a new Five Year Strategy, the key themes to be included in the Strategy, and the proposals for a public consultation in the summer of 2021. It was agreed to appoint a cross party Task & Finish Group comprising 7 members, which would steer the development of the new strategy. 




(i)        the timetable for the preparation of the Council’s new Five Year Strategy set out in paragraph 2.2 be noted;


(ii)      proposals for public and partner consultation set out at Annex A to the agenda report be noted;


(iii)     the comments of the Performance & Finance Committee on 17 March 2021 at paragraph 2.8 of the agenda report be noted;


(iv)     the key themes for inclusion in the Strategy set out at paragraphs 1.2, 2.9 and 2.10 of the agenda report be noted; and


(v)      a cross-party Task and Finish Group of seven members be appointed to input into and steer the development of the new strategy and the analysis of feedback received during the consultation.