Issue - decisions

Appointment of a Director for SHBC Camberley Ltd.

05/06/2020 - Appointment of a Director for SHBC Camberley Ltd.

The Executive was reminded that the properties in Camberley Town Centre acquired by the Council from Capital and Regional PLC in 2016 were held in a Jersey Property Unit Trust. 99.99% of the units in the Trust were held directly by the Council. SHBC Camberley Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Council, held the remaining 0.01%. This structure was necessary due to Jersey law requiring at least two unit holders for any trust.


Members were advised that the Council’s former Chief Executive, Karen Whelan, was the sole Director of SHBC Camberley Ltd. Following Mrs Whelan’s resignation from the Council it was necessary to appoint a new director. It was also agreed to delegate the decision of the appointment of this role to the Monitoring Officer in consultation with the Leader, which would enable any future appointments to be made in a timely manner. 


It was confirmed that no payments had been or would be made in relation to the position of Director of SHBC Camberley Ltd.




(i)        Karen Whelan be removed as Director of SHBC Camberley Ltd following her resignation from the Council’s employment;


(ii)      the (Acting) Chief Executive, Tim Pashen, be appointed as Director of SHBC Camberley Ltd;


(iii)     authority be delegated to the Monitoring Officer to appoint new Directors in consultation with the Leader of the Council; and


(iv)     the Scheme of Delegation of Functions to Officer at Part 3, Section B of the Constitution be updated to include this delegated authority.