Issue - decisions

Poverty in Surrey Heath

12/03/2020 - Poverty in Surrey Heath

The Executive was reminded that, at its meeting on 9 October 2019, the Council had agreed a motion concerning the level of poverty in the borough and the actions the Council could take to alleviate the problem. The Council had recognised this work could be done independently or through collaboration with its external partners, as appropriate.


Members were advised that one of the key indicators that could be used to identify poverty and its impacts was the Index of Multiple deprivation. Data from 2019 showed that the borough had five key super output areas where statistical measures were closer towards the worst 10% (1st decile). These covered areas in the St Michaels, Old Dean, and Watchetts wards. It was, however, recognised that although the identified wards had areas with deprivation, these related to specific roads and did not affect the whole ward.


It was proposed to undertake a study to identify and understand the community groups, including statutory services where appropriate, that operated in St Michaels and Old Dean in order understand what services were currently offered and what more was required to support those living in poverty. An outline action plan would then be produced that could address this inequality, together with clear improvement measures.


Members recognised that there were areas within the borough which had been identified as areas of deprivation, but had not been included in this research. It was agreed to undertake the review in the areas identified, thereafter roll out the model to other areas, taking into account any lessons learned.




(i)        further research be undertaken to understand and provide the localised mapping of services in the most deprived wards; and


(ii)      a further report setting out an action plan for the Council and its partner be brought to the Executive in the summer of 2020.