Committee details

Employment Committee

Purpose of committee

Meetings of this Committee can be viewed from:





1.1          To agree amendments to Terms and Conditions of Employment for Staff and Human Resources policies, as referred by the Joint Staff Consultative Group.


1.2          To recommend the annual staff pay award to the Council.


1.3          To set the Terms of Reference for an Independent Investigation relating to employment matters where it is not established that they are currently the subject of capability, grievance and/or disciplinary proceedings.



1.4          To make recommendations to the Council for any mutually agreed departures for a Statutory Officer.


1.5          To agree any mutually agreed departures for a non-Statutory Strategic Director or Head of Service.


1.6          To undertake any review of the remuneration for the Head of Paid Service and make any relevant recommendations to the Council.


1.7          To agree any incremental progression for the Chief Executive/ Head of Paid Service, taking into account the report and recommendation from the Leader of the Council on the outcome of their end of year appraisal.


1.8          To make any decisions on ex-gratia payments to the Chief Executive, Strategic Directors and Heads of Service in accordance with Financial Regulations.


1.9          To consider any recommendations for senior management restructures and make recommendations to the Full Council.


1.10       To agree the recruitment process for the Chief Executive/ Head of Paid Service.



Contact information

Support officer: James Hall. Democratic Services Officer

Postal address:
Surrey Heath House
Knoll Road
GU15 3HD

Phone: 01276 707319


Web site: