Agenda item

Health and Safety Service Plan


Under the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974, local authorities were responsible for health and safety enforcement within their area of responsibility, which included a diverse range of premises.  Pursuant to the “National Local Authority Enforcement Code” produced by the Health and Safety Executive, a Surrey Heath Health and Safety Service Plan had been developed.


The Environmental Health Team carried out planned risk based inspections of businesses to ensure they complied with health and safety legislation, and took appropriate enforcement as necessary. These inspections occurred at a frequency determined by the national code of practice and in accordance with HSE guidance. The Council’s performance was subject to scrutiny by the HSE and the Council was required to complete an annual return of health and safety enforcement activity.


In 2019/20 the Council intended to continue to provide a high-quality health and safety service. This would include advising new and existing businesses on compliance, investigating complaints and accidents, taking enforcement action where necessary and participating in proactive health and safety campaigns. 


RESOLVED that the Surrey Heath Health and Safety Service Plan 2019/2020, attached at Annex A to the agenda report, be approved.



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