Agenda item

Application Number: 18/0951 - 46-50 London Road, Bagshot, GU19 5HL


Outline application of the erection of a three storey residential block to provide up to nine No. 2 bed flats with parking and access, (access to be determined), following the demolition of existing buildings. (Amended plan rec'd 16.05.2019).


The Committee noted that the application had been reported to the Committee at the request of Councillor White following concerns about possible overdevelopment of the site, insufficient parking, facilities and its access.


The Committee noted that a site visit had taken place.


The Committee noted the additional correspondence from Surrey County Council’s Transport Development Planning Section, attached as Annex 1 to the supplementary report, and the following updates contained within the supplementary report tabled at the meeting:




Options for the access and egress arrangements have been explored with the County Highway Authority.  The Authority has advised that limitations to the access and egress arrangements are not required.  Please see Annex 1 of this update for further details.


AMENDED CONDITION (amendments in bold):


3. Construction shall not begin until a scheme to deal with contamination of the site has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


The above scheme shall be achieved in accordance with the Geoenvironmental Desk Study Report by JPG dated October 2018 [Ref: MP/DS/S473.v1], and Model Procedures for the Management of Land Contamination CRL11 2016 by DEFRA & Environment Agency, shall include:-


(a) a site investigation report based upon the Desk Study Report;

(b) a remediation action plan based upon the Desk Study Report and (a);

(c) a "discovery strategy" dealing with unforeseen contamination discovered during construction;

and (d) a "validation strategy" identifying measures to validate the works undertaken as a result of (b) and (c)

(e) a verification report appended with substantiating evidence demonstrating the agreed remediation has been carried out


Unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority,   the development shall be carried out and completed wholly in accordance with such details as may be agreed


Reason: To ensure that a satisfactory strategy is put in place for addressing contaminated land, making the land suitable for the development hereby approved without resulting in risk to construction workers, future users of the land, occupiers of nearby land and the environment generally in accordance with Policies CP2 and DM9 of the Surrey Heath Core Strategy and Development Management Policies Document 2012 and the National Planning Policy Framework 2019.




4. No development, including any demolition, shall take place until a Method of Construction Statement, to include details of:


(a) parking for vehicles of site personnel, operatives and visitors

(b) loading and unloading of plant and materials

(c) storage of plant and materials

(d) programme of works (including measures for traffic management)

(e) provision of boundary hoarding

(f) hours of construction

(g) method of keeping the local highway network clean


has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

Only the approved details shall be implemented during the construction period.


Reason: The condition above is required in order that the development should not prejudice residential amenity or highway safety; nor cause inconvenience to other highway users and to accord with Policies CP11, DM9 and DM11 of the Surrey Heath Core Strategy and Development Management Policies 2012 and the National Planning Policy Framework 2019


5. Details of the access arrangements shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority, including amendments to the right turn road markings on the highway in front of the application site.  The approved details shall be provided prior to the first occupation of the development hereby approved.


Reason: In the interests of highway safety and to comply with Policies CP11 and DM11 of the Surrey Heath Core Strategy and Development Management Policies 2012 and the National Planning Policy Framework 2019”


The Committee noted that conditions relating to the landscaping of the site and the final site layout would be dealt with under reserved matters.  It was also noted, that the application was for outline permission and that the full application would be brought to the Committee at a future date.


RESOLVED that application 18/0951 be granted subject to the conditions set out in the Officer’s report.


Note 1


In accordance with part 4, Section D, paragraph 18 of the Constitution, the voting in respect of this application was as follows:


Voting in favour of the recommendation to grant the application: Councillors Alleway, Barnet, Chapman, Croke, Dougan, Garrett, Hawkins, Kay, Lewis, Rise, Tapper and Whitcroft.


Voting against the recommendation to grant the application: Councillors Wheeler and White


Abstaining on the recommendation to grant the application: None

Supporting documents: