Agenda item

Application Number: 19/0004 - 22 Grovefields Avenue, Frimley, Camberley, GU16 8PA


The application was for the erection of two semi-detached dwellings, following demolition of existing dwelling. (Amended plans and additional information

rec'd 03.04.2019). (Amended plans & documents rec'd 01.05.2019).


This application would normally have been determined under the Council’s Scheme of Delegation, however, it had been called in for determination at the Planning Applications Committee at the request of Councillor Ian Sams because of the impact on parking and traffic congestion in the area.


Members were advised of the following updates and the referenced appendix published with the supplementary agenda papers:




Para 7.7.1 of the Committee Report should be deleted as it in part duplicates the information held at para 7.7.2. 


The SAMM payment has been made and the recommendation is therefore to GRANT subject to conditions.


For advice the County Highway Authority consultation response is appended to this update.


Changes to conditions


Condition 5 should be deleted and the remaining conditions re-numbered.


A landscaping condition should be added and the proposed wording for this is included below:


Landscaping condition:


Within 1 month of the date of the development hereby approved commencing full details of all proposed both hard and soft landscaping works shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority.  These works shall be carried out as approved and implemented prior to first occupation of the approved development. The submitted details shall include an indication of all level alterations, hard surfaces, walls, fences, access features, the existing trees and hedges to be retained, together with the new planting to be carried out.


All hard and soft landscaping works shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.  All plant material shall conform to BS3936:1992 Parts 1 – 5: Specification for Nursery Stock. Handling, planting and establishment of trees shall be in accordance with BS 8545:2014 Trees: from nursery to independence in the landscape


Any retained or new planting (hedge, tree or shrub) which within a period of 5 years from the date of the approved landscaping being completed which dies, becomes diseased or damaged or is removed shall be replaced by a plant of the same size and species.


Reason: To preserve and enhance the visual amenities of the locality in accordance with Policy DM9 of the Surrey Heath Core Strategy and Development Management Policies 2012.”


Members were concerned for the potential for the building to overlook 21 Grovefields Avenue. As a result a condition was added to prescribe that the 1st floor windows on the building’s side elevation facing  No.21 Grovefields Avenue should be obscure glazed and openings at a high level.


In addition there were also concerns that any future permitted development on the site would result in overdevelopment, have adverse impacts on the street scene and visual amenities; and lead to an overall unsatisfactory form of development. Members also noted the need to protect neighbouring residential amenity. Thereby a further condition and accompanying informative to remove Class A and Class B permitted development rights for the resulting properties were added.   



              I.        Application 19/0004 be granted, subject to the conditions in the officer report and updates, as amended, and a SAMM payment being secured; and

            II.        the final wording on the new conditions be delegated to

the Executive Head of Regulatory in consultation with the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Planning Applications Committee.


Note 1

It was noted for the record that Councillor Darryl Ratiram had been contacted by two separate parties on the application, but did not pass comment.


Note 2 

In accordance with Part 4, Section D, paragraph 18 of the Constitution, the voting in relation to the application was as follows:


Voting in favour of the recommendation to grant the application:


Councillors Cliff Betton, Colin Dougan, Shaun Garrett, Sam Kay, David Lewis, Charlotte Morley, Morgan Rise, Graham Tapper, and Victoria Wheeler.


Voting against the recommendation to grant the application:


Councillors Graham Alleway, Edward Hawkins, Darryl Ratiram and Valerie White.


Abstaining on the recommendation to grant the application:


Councillor Peter Barnett. 



Supporting documents: