Agenda item

Application Number 17/0871: Princess Royal Barracks Deepcut, Brunswick Road, Deepcut, GU16 6RN


The Application was for the approval of reserved matters (layout, scale, appearance and landscaping) pertaining to phase 2B for the erection of 215 dwellinghouses (of which 35% are to be affordable units) pursuant to permission reference 12/0546 (as amended) (hybrid permission for a major residential led development totalling 1,200 new dwellings) and consideration of details to comply with planning conditions 9 (affordable housing), 16 (ecological mitigation and management), 23 (vehicle parking and cycle access), 29 (trees), 35 (sustainable homes), 37 (refuse), and 57 (noise) in so far as they pertain to phase 2B. (Amended and additional plans & information rec'd 04/01/2018, 11/01/2018 & 18/01/2018).


Members received the following updates on the application and noted an additional agenda supplement consisting of a letter from Odyssey planning consultancy.


‘Amendments to report:


·         Para 2.1 incorrectly refers to Cc – this should be ‘C2’ care home.

·         Table at 4.2 should now read no.76 2 bed units in total, of which 28 would be houses and 18 flats for the private sector and 8 houses and 22 flats as affordable housing.

·         The reference at para 5.8 should refer to para 7.9.1 and not 9.9

·         Para 6.1 should advise that at the time of the agenda close down there were 4, and not 5, public representations received.

·         Para 7.4.14- amended levels plans have been provided which show the levels changes across the east parcel are in the region of 10m and the west parcel, in the region of 5m.


Consultee comments received since committee report written (see section 5.0 on pages 10 and 11):


County Highways Authority:


·         Electric Vehicle Charging – guidance is changing [Officer comment: An informative is proposed to advise the applicant of this]

·         Query when the links from Parcels 2a and 2b to the proposed Deepcut Bridge to Frimley Lock Cycle path will be constructed, the surfacing materials to be used and notes that ideally the route from plots M2-95 and M2-134 should be 3m wide [Officer comment: These are matters outside of the scope of this application ]

·         The paths within the central area including that running south from Brunswick Road must all be lit. All roads and paths within parcels 2a and 2b shall also be lit [Officer comment: The central area is outside the scope of this application, a condition is proposed to request details of lighting for roads and paths within the parcels]

·         It is not acceptable to provide cycle parking within sheds in the rear gardens of properties. It is for this reason that the planning condition number 27 states that “Such provision for flats and apartments may be communal whereas for single dwellings the cycle parking shall be integral to the main structure of each dwelling separately accessible from any garaging.” The submitted details are not therefore in compliance with planning condition number 27 (of 15/0546) [Officer Comment: Please see comments provided by the applicant’s transport advisors, attached to this update. In addition a condition is proposed below]

·         Pedestrian visibility splays have not been indicated on the drawings and therefore the submitted details are not in compliance with condition number 24. [Officer comment: Please see comments provided by applicant’s transport advisors attached, this is a design code requirement]

·         In accordance with the s106 Agreement, and despite the applicants intention not to offer any of the roads and paths for adoption as publicly maintained highway, all such roads and paths will be publically accessible by any member of the public (i.e. not just Parcel 2a and 2b residents) at all times [Officer comment: Noted.]


Natural England: No objection.


Environmental Health Officer: No objection to revised details.


Guildford Borough Council: No comment.


Rushmoor Borough Council: No objection


West End Parish Council: No objection


Representations received since committee report written (see section 6.0 on page 11):


An additional 1 letter of support and 1 letter of objection have been received. The objection letter raises the following issue


·         Scale of tree loss- 1029 or 95% of those originally surveyed [Officer comment: This is addressed in the committee report and the level of tree retention considered acceptable given all material considerations]

·         Accuracy of submitted tree surveys and inaccuracies between them [Officer comment: The Arboricultural Officer advises ‘The first arboricultural survey by Amenity Tree Care was undertaken and reported in 2015, was preliminary in nature and followed their initial client brief: The inspection has been carried out from ground level only, using visual observation methods as this is a preliminary report as requested by the client, should a more detailed inspection be required then this will be highlighted in the recommendations. This was primarily a basic tree survey on behalf of Skanska. The detailed site inspection and report undertaken by Simon Jones Associates in mid 2017 for Cala Homes was an up to date survey and impact assessment to “assess the arboricultural implications of the reserved matters proposals on the trees that are to be retained, and to advise how retained trees should be protected from unacceptable harm during site preparation and construction works”. It is therefore the comprehensive latter report by SJA which is accepted as appropriate for the purpose of determination]

·         The proposal does not comply with the SPD objective of limiting its impact on the Southern SANG and the Basingstoke Canal – the western end in particular does not appear adequate or the screening sufficient [Officer comment: The Basingstoke Canal is a designated Conservation Area, however the application sites are set in excess of 60m north of this and the Southern SANGS will provide a break in the built environment for which planning permission is sought. The DSE panel were not satisfied with the development originally proposed for this edge and considered it too formal and rigid with a lack of variation. The revised plans have, however, broken up this edge with greater spacing provided between dwellings being introduced. In addition, and in line with the advice of DSE, the siting of dwellings has been staggered and a more feathered edge results. In light of the amendments secured it is not considered the development proposed would harm the Basingstoke Canal Conservation Area (or otherwise conflict with Policy DM17 of the CSDMP2012) or undermine the objectives of the range of documents forming the development plan, the design codes seeking to safeguard the same; and would provide for an acceptable interface with the Southern SANGS]




Condition 1 updated with the following plans / document references (officers seek members approval to continue discussions with the applicant to ensure that these are the most up to date revisions):


Layout Plan 1:500


Illustrative Roof Plan with landscape

1307 D 1100 F

Tenure Plan

1307 D 1210 B

Unit Mix Plan

1307 D 1200 C

Parking Strategy Plan - West

1307 D 1201 C

Parking Strategy Plan - East

1307 D 1202 B

Boundary Condition Strategy

1307 D 1203 C

Refuse Strategy Plan

1307 D 1204 D

Massing Plan

1307 D 1205 C

Movement and Circulation Plan

1307 D 1206 C

Site Layout Plan (red line) – West

1307 D 1300 N

Site Layout Plan (red line) - East

1307 D 1301 N


Apartment Block Plans 1:100


Apt Block E3 – Ground floor plan (Aff)

1307 D 1400 E

Apt Block E3 – 1st floor plan (Aff)

1307 D 1401 E

Apt Block E3 – Second floor plan (Aff)

1307 D 1402 E

Apt Block E4 – Ground floor plan (Aff)

1307 D 1406 D

Apt Block E4 – 1st floor plan (Aff)

1307 D 1407 D

Apt Block E4 – Second floor plan (Aff)

1307 D 1408 D

Apt Block E2 – Ground floor plan (Aff)

1307 D 1409 E

Apt Block E2 – 1st floor plan (Aff)

1307 D 1410 E

Apt Block E2 – Second floor plan (Aff)

1307 D 1411 E

Apt Block E1 – Ground floor plan (Aff)

1307 D 1412 D

Apt Block E1 – 1st floor plan (Aff)

1307 D 1413 D

Apt Block E1 – Second floor plan (Aff)

1307 D 1414 D

Apt Block W2 – Ground floor plan (PD)

1307 D 1415 D

Apt Block W2 – 1st floor plan (PD)

1307 D 1416 D

Apt Block W2 – Second floor plan (PD)

1307 D 1417 D

Apt Block W3 – Ground floor plan (Aff)

1307 D 1418 D

Apt Block W3 – 1st floor plan (Aff)

1307 D 1419 D

Apt Block W3 – Second floor plan (Aff)

1307 D 1420 D

Apt Block W1 – Ground floor plan (PD)

1307 D 1421 D

Apt Block W1 – 1st floor plan (PD)

1307 D 1422 D

Apt Block W1 – Second floor plan (PD)

1307 D 1423 D

Apt Block E5&E6 – Ground floor plan (Aff)

1307 D 1424 D

Apt Block E5&E6 – 1st floor plan (Aff)

1307 D 1425 D

Apt Block E5&E6 – Second floor plan (Aff)

1307 D 1426 D

Apt Block W4 – Ground floor plan  (PD)

1307 D 1427 D

Apt Block W4 – 1st floor plan (PD)

1307 D 1428 D

Apt Block W4 – Second floor plan (PD)

1307 D 1429 D


House Layout Plans 1:50


House Type 2 (HT2) – Ground & 1st floor

1307 D 1500

House Type 3 (HT3) – Ground floor

1307 D 1501 A

House Type 3 (HT3) – 1st floor

1307 D 1502 A

House Type 9, 9a & 9b (HT3) – Ground floor

1307 D 1503 B

House Type 9, 9a & 9b  (HT3) – 1st floor

1307 D 1504 B

House Type 16 (HT16) – Ground floor

1307 D 1505

House Type 16 (HT16) – 1st floor

1307 D 1506

House Type 16a (HT16a) – Ground floor

1307 D 1507 A

House Type 16a (HT16a) – 1st floor

1307 D 1508 A

House Type 30 (HT30) – Ground floor

1307 D 1509

House Type 30 (HT30) – 1st floor

1307 D 1510

House Type 34 (HT34) – Ground floor

1307 D 1517 A

House Type 34 (HT34) – 1st floor

1307 D 1518 A

House Type 35 & 35b (HT35&35b) – Ground floor

1307 D 1519 A

House Type 35 & 35b (HT35&35b) – 1st floor

1307 D 1520 A

House Type 35a (HT35a) – Ground floor

1307 D 1521 A

House Type 35a (HT35a) – 1st floor

1307 D 1522 A

House Type 44 (HT44) – Ground floor

1307 D 1523

House Type 44 (HT44) – 1st floor

1307 D 1524

House Type 44a (HT44a) – Ground floor

1307 D 1525 A

House Type 44a (HT44a) – 1st floor

1307 D 1526 A

House Type 44b (HT44b) – Ground floor

1307 D 1527

House Type 44b (HT44b) – 1st floor

1307 D 1528

FOG Type FT1 (FT1) – Ground floor

1307 D 1529 A

FOG Type FT1 (FT1) – 1st floor

1307 D 1530 A

Affordable House Type 6 (AHT6) – Ground floor

1307 D 1550

Affordable House Type 6 (AHT6) – 1st floor

1307 D 1551

Affordable House Type 6 (AHT6) – Grd & 1st floor

1307 D 1552

Affordable House Type 18 & 18a (AHT18&18a) – Ground floor

1307 D 1553 A

Affordable House Type 18 & 18a (AHT18&18a) – 1st floor

1307 D 1554 A

Affordable House Type 19 (AHT19) – Ground floor

1307 D 1555

Affordable House Type 19 (AHT19) – 1st floor

1307 D 1556

Affordable House Type 20 (AHT20) – Ground floor

1307 D 1557

Affordable House Type 20 (AHT20) – 1st floor

1307 D 1558

Affordable House Type 20a (AHT20a) – Ground floor

1307 D 1559

Affordable House Type 20a (AHT20a) – 1st floor

1307 D 1560

Bin and Bike Store Layout Plans

1307 D 1561

House Type 45 (HT45) - Ground floor

1307 D 1565

House Type 45 (HT45) – 1st floor

1307 D 1566



3. Condition 3 to be deleted.


8. Prior to the occupation of any dwelling or residential unit hereby approved details of the registered provider of social housing (as defined by Section 80 of the Housing and Regeneration Act 2008) the intermediate and affordable rented housing is to be transferred to will be provided to and approved, in writing, by the Local Planning Authority. Moreover unless otherwise agreed in writing the affordable rented units shall only be used or occupied on affordable rented terms and shall be retained as such in perpetuity.    


The affordable housing to be delivered pursuant to this planning permission is set out on submitted plan drawing reference 1307-D-1210 Rev B. Delivery will be phased in accordance with the requirements of Schedule 3 of the s106 pursuant to the permission reference 12/0546 (as amended). 


9. To be deleted.


Condition 10: to be updated with the plan reference amended to reflect revision C as the most up to date plan. 


15. Deleted and to be replaced as an informative.


Additional Conditions:


17.   Prior to the occupation of any dwellinghouse details of the cycle storage facilities to be provided to all dwellings not benefiting from an integral garage shall be provided to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  The details to be provided will follow the principles outlined in the letter dated 29 January 2018 submitted by Odyssey.


Reason: To ensure a satisfactory and sustainable form of development in accordance with Policy DM11 of the Core Strategy and Development Management Policies, the Deepcut SPD and the NPPF.


18.  Prior to the commencement of any development details of how all roads and paths within parcels 2a and 2b are to be lit shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  The approved details will be implemented in a phased manner to also be agreed in writing with Local Planning Authority and shall be retained in perpetuity.


Reason: To ensure a satisfactory and sustainable form of development in accordance with Policy DM11 of the Core Strategy and Development Management Policies, the Deepcut SPD and the NPPF.


19.  Electrical charging points will be provided in accordance with para 6.27 on page 13 of the Travel Plan, prepared by Odyssey and dated September 2017, submitted with this application.


Reason: To ensure a satisfactory and sustainable form of development in accordance with Policy DM11 of the Core Strategy and Development Management Policies, the Deepcut SPD and the NPPF.


20. The development hereby approved shall be implemented in accordance with the Arboricultural Implications Report by SJA December 2017.   No development shall take place until digital photographs have been provided by the retained consultant and forwarded to and approved in writing by the Council's Arboricultural Officer.  This should record that all aspects facilitation tree works and tree and ground protection measures have been implemented and maintained in accordance with the Tree Information Report.  The tree protection measures shall be retained until the completion of the all works hereby permitted. 


In addition the following shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the LPA prior to development commencing:


           details of any ground protection measures to ensure the long term health of retained trees

           details of any trees suitable for the translocation, how these are to be moved and stored


Reason: In the interests of visual amenities of the locality and to comply with Policy DM9 of the Surrey Heath Core Strategy and Development Management Policies 2012, the Deepcut SPD, the approved Design Codes and the NPPF. 


Officer response to applicant comments on suggested conditions


Condition 2 – can we add further material Cape Cod Traditional Beval Black to the list of the materials see the following link: [Officer comment: Advised it is too late for this to be accommodated]


Condition 3 –unnecessary and replicates condition on outline [Officer comment: Agreed to delete and reference as an additional informative]


Condition 6 – this does not need to be prior to commencement – suggest that this is a pre-occupation condition [Officer comment: No change agreed, officers consider management arrangements are key to the ongoing success of the scheme and recommend the condition remains]


Condition 8 – this does not need to be prior to commencement- suggest that this sis a preoccupation of affordable housing units condition [Officers suggest this is amended to prior to the occupation of any unit]


Amended text below:


Prior to the occupation of any dwelling or residential unit hereby approved details of the registered provider of social housing (as defined by Section 80 of the Housing and Regeneration Act 2008) the intermediate and affordable rented housing is to be transferred to will be provided to and approved, in writing, by the Local Planning Authority. Moreover unless otherwise agreed in writing the affordable rented units shall only be used or occupied on affordable rented terms and shall be retained as such in perpetuity.


The affordable housing o be delivered pursuant to this planning permission is set out on submitted plan drawing reference 1307-D-1210 Rev B. Delivery will be phased in accordance with the requirements of Schedule 3 of the s106 pursuant to the permission reference 12/0546 (as amended).


Condition 9 – this should not be pre-commencement- suggest pre-commencement of construction of 1st home. Also queras to which policies/ design code this refers to. We are unable to find any reference to requiring achievement of this level and therefore there does not appear to be any policy basis for imposing this condition. Furthermore, we are not aware of any consultation response that addressed our submissions on this matter and seeking to impose this now without reference to the scheme submitted does not appear to be counter intuitive. If we are to meet a secure by design standard, this should be subject of negotiation between us, the Council and the Police [Officer comment: For consistency sake it is recommended this be deleted and an informative added]


Condition 13- agreed regarding sustainability statement requirements, however, requirement for the code is set out in the outline consent and this duplicates it. In any case, if the Council wishes to have a new standard, this this should not be applied to this scheme as the new building control standards have the same requirements. This now does appear to be duplication of standards now applicable under building control and contrary to Government advice. See link- [officer note: no change to condition proposed- clarification on points raised sought]


Condition 15 – this condition is unnecessary and if, in fact, not a condition at all. Should be an informative. [Officer comment: Deleted and proposed as an informative]


Additional informatives


3. With regards to the electrical charging points detailed in condition 19, the applicant's attention is drawn to the changes regarding the required electricity charge as set out in the SCC Vehicular and Cycle Parking Guidance Jan 2018. 


4. In the event that drainage from this site is to discharge into the Basingstoke Canal then the applicant is reminded to check that all necessary agreements / consents, including any easements are in place with the land owner and drainage authority.


5. The applicant is reminded of the need to implement this development in accordance with the time scales set out in condition 5 of permission 12/0546 (as amended).


6. The applicant is advised to seek a Secured by Design accreditation in addition to the requirements under Part Q of the Building Regulations.


7. Notwithstanding the detail shown on any submitted plan or document (whether listed as approved or not) the approval of this application does not override the requirements of condition 32 (hard and soft landscaping) imposed on permission 12/0546 (as amended).  Compliance with the terms of that condition is required.


In addition, condition 10 as drafted needs to be updated with the plan reference amended to reflect revision C now being the most up to date plan.’


Councillor Edward Hawkins on behalf of the committee thanked Michelle Fielder for her hard work on the agenda item.


Members sought reassurances regarding access to electricity in garages on the development. As a result the third informative was extended to include the following information. ‘The applicant is also requested to ensure that all garages are supplied with electricity and have at least one power socket installed’.


The officer recommendation to approve the application was proposed by Councillor Edward Hawkins, seconded by Councillor Nick Chambers, and put to the vote and carried.


RESOLVED that application be approved, subject to conditions, as amended, with the final wording and plans be delegated to the Head of Regulatory in consultation with the Chairman of the Planning Applications Committee.


Note 1

It was noted for the record that Councillor Edward Hawkins declared that he had attended a number of design review meetings on the development. Councillor Edward Hawkins also declared that he and all other members had received the first phase brochure for the development from Cala Homes.


Note 2

In accordance with Part 4, Section D, paragraph 18 of the Constitution, the voting in relation to the application was as follows:


Voting in favour of the proposal to approve the application:


Councillors Nick Chambers, Mrs Vivienne Chapman, Colin Dougan, Edward Hawkins, Surinder Gandham, Jonathan Lytle, Katia Malcaus Cooper, David Mansfield, Max Nelson, Adrian Page, Robin Perry, Ian Sams, Pat Tedder, Victoria Wheeler, and Valerie White.



Supporting documents: