Agenda item

PRB First Residential Phase Design Codes

Note: The Design Codes annexed to this item were received after the preparation of the officer report, which refers to a previous version.


The Committee received a report on the Design Codes for the first phase of residential development at the former PRB site, pursuant to planning conditions.


Members noted the two design codes relating to land in the northern and southern parcels.


Members were advised of the following update:


‘Recommendation changed to APPROVE.


The change to the recommendation reflects the fact that revised Design Codes, in line with the advice of the Urban Design Officer, have been received.  The revised codes are those provided in the agenda papers.’


The approach of the two design codes followed the principles of the approved Site Wide Code and Regulatory Plan, which was approved by the Planning Applications Committee in July 2016. The report added a further layer of detail to the Deepcut SPD. Members were advised that the Site Wide Design Code had been subject to review by Design SE and the two design codes for consideration now built upon those principles.  Reserved matters applications would also be subject to review be Design SE.


Resolved that the revised Design Codes pursuant to planning conditions be approved as amended.



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