Agenda item

Application Number: 16/0925 - By Pass Nursery, Blackstroud Lane East, Ligthwater GU18 5XR


The application was for the erection of a detached two storey dwelling with further basement accommodation, following demolition of all existing buildings and caravan.

This application would normally have been determined under the Council's Scheme of Delegation, however, it had been reported to the Planning Applications Committee at the request of Cllr White.

Members received the following updates:


A member site visit was undertaken on the 5th January 2017. The following were in attendance, Cllr E Hawkins, Cllr S Gandhum, Cllr R Perry and the case officer Mr N Praine.




In respect of waste, the applicant is encouraged to break up any hardstanding and waste for removal in an efficient way to ensure minimal vehicular movements when removing waste from site.   Additionally the applicant is encouraged to explore recycling and reclaim facilities when removing waste from site.  Waste materials must not be burnt on site, the applicant is also reminded of Environmental Health legislation and could be fined up to £20,000 for on-site burning.’ 


Some Members had concerns that the proposal was situated in the Green Belt but officers advised that this issue was covered in the agenda report.  Paragraph 7.4.3 of the report outlined the special circumstances for allowing development in the Green Belt.


Despite these circumstances some Members still felt that the proposal had a greater impact on the Green Belt.


Some Members suggested that the wording in the update, ‘additionally the applicant is encouraged to explore recycling and reclaim facilities when removing waste from site’, the word ‘encouraged’ should be changed to ‘required’.


Resolved that application 16/0925 be approved, as amended subject to the conditions as set out in the report of the Executive Head – Regulatory.


Note 1

It was noted for the record that Cllrs Colin Dougan, Edward Hawkins, Ian Sams and Conrad Sturt declared that they knew the applicant as he had been a councillor at Surrey Heath.


Note 2

The recommendation to approve the application as amended was proposed by Councillor Edward Hawkins and seconded by Councillor Robin Perry.


Note 3

In accordance with Part 4, Section D, paragraph 18 of the Constitution, the voting in relation to the application was as follows:


Voting in favour of the recommendation to approve the application as amended:


Councillors Nick Chambers, Colin Dougan, Edward Hawkins, Ruth Hutchinson, Jonathan Lytle, David Mansfield, Adrian Page, Robin Perry, Ian Sams and Conrad Sturt


Voting against the recommendation to approve the application as amended:


Councillors Victoria Wheeler and Valerie White.



Supporting documents: