Agenda item

Wilton Road Car Park – Consideration of Objection to the introduction of proposed Parking Places Order


The Executive was reminded that, at its meeting on 12 July 2016, it had agreed to reduce the maximum stay on Wilton Road Car Park to 5 hours except for permit holders, with free permits being provided for members of Camberley Indoor Bowling Club and a charge of £300 for an annual permit for other car park users.


An Off Street Parking Places Order had been advertised on 7 September 2016, following which an objection had been received. Members noted the objection, which had been received from an employee at a business on a nearby Business Park.


It was recognised that the changes had been introduced to address the use of Wilton Road Car Park by several businesses for all day parking to support their own business interests. Those vehicles used the car park for free all day parking, which often conflicted with short stay visitors who wished to use local facilities. The introduction of a Maximum Stay 5 Hours, No Return, except permit holders, would stop all day parking and would ensure that parking for short stay visits up to 5 hours was maximised.


The Executive discussed a proposal to further consider introducing permits for local businesses and their employees. It was, however, felt that this would be disproportionate when compared to other car parks within the borough.


RESOLVED that the maximum stay on Wilton Road Car Park be reduced to 5 hours, except for permit holder and no return, except for permit holders for all days.



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