Agenda item

Statement of Licensing Policy


The Committee received a report on the review of the Statement of Licensing Policy for 2016 -2021.


It was noted that the time between the close of the consultation to the Licensing Committee meeting had not been long enough to complete the review of the policy.  It was proposed that an additional meeting be arranged for the 8 February to finalise this. The policy would then be submitted to Council for adoption.


Members were advised that the statement used to be reviewed every three years but legislation had changed this to five years. However, it was proposed that there could be an interim review of the statement. 


The Committee was advised that 2200 consultation letters had been sent out and there had been 18 responses which were noted. Members discussed the response from Surrey Police and the Executive Head – Community agreed to ask Surrey Police for more data, particularly the times of any alcohol related offences.


Members were advised that in accordance with the change in legislation in 2011, cigarette vending machines had been banned from licensed premises.  It was proposed that any paragraphs relating to tobacco vending machines be removed. (Paragraphs 36 and 46 refer).  It was agreed to remove paragraph 37 also as it included reference to cigarettes and it appeared confusing after Members agreed to remove paragraph 36.


Paragraph 70 seemed to be incomplete.  Officers would check this and report back to Committee. The Committee discussed paragraph 72 and felt that each licensing application would be dealt with on its own merits and licensing hours sought were broadly comparable, therefore this paragraph was not appropriate. It was proposed that this paragraph also be removed.


It was noted that public health did not form part of the remit for the Licensing Authority; therefore paragraphs 7 and 8 would be rewritten following consultation with the Chairman and the legal officer. In addition paragraph 111 would be amended.


Paragraph 157 would be amended to include information regarding Public Space Protection Orders. The Committee was advised that members as well as residents could make concerns known to the Licensing Authority regarding any anti-social behaviour in public spaces.


A statement on how the Equality Act provisions would be addressed and would be included (no longer the Disability Discrimination Act in paragraph 28) in the statement. Officers had thought about provisions and would finalise accordingly.


Resolved that


i)                 the amendments set out above be made to the Statement of Licensing Policy, and


ii)               the Statement of Licensing Policy be brought back to the Licensing Committee on 8 February 2016 to agree the amendments and recommend to Council for adoption.

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