Agenda item


To elect the Mayor for the ensuing year.


It was moved by Councillor Craig Fennell and seconded by Councillor Paul Deach that Councillor Joanne Potter be elected Mayor for the ensuing year. The motion was put to the vote and carried unanimously.


RESOLVED, that Councillor Joanne Potter be elected Mayor of the Borough of Surrey Heath for the ensuing municipal year.


Councillor Joanne Potter made and signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office of Mayor and was invested with the Mayoral Chain of Office. 


The Mayor, Councillor Joanne Potter, in the Chair


Councillor Potter thanked the Council for her election as the 43rd Mayor of the Borough and the Council’s ambassador.  She congratulated Mr Bob Paton and his wife, Carole, for the way in which they had most ably carried out their duties as Mayor and Mayoress during the past year and thanked Bob Paton for all his help and guidance during her year as Deputy Mayor.


The Mayor paid tribute to the support she had received from her sister, Jackie Piper during her year as Deputy Mayor and thanked her for agreeing to be the Mayor’s Escort for the ensuing year. She also thanked Reverend Phil Parker from St Andrew’s Church, Frimley Green for agreeing to be her Chaplain during her mayoral year.


Bob Paton, in responding, thanked all the councillors and officers who had supported him in the past year, with particular thanks to Cllr Joanne Potter for her support as his deputy throughout the year, his Chaplain, Bruce Nicole and the Mayor’s Secretary, Mrs Sarah Ruddock.