Agenda item

Application Number: 23/1147 - Farnborough Airport consultation


The meeting was adjourned for a comfort break from 8:37pm to 8:41pm.


Rushmoor Borough Council is the determining authority and Surrey Heath is only a consultee. This application was being reported to the Planning Applications Committee because the proposal is a major development (i.e. is a variation of condition proposal for a development of over 1,000 sq.m.).


This consultation is by Rushmoor Borough Council (RBC) for a proposal at Farnborough Airport. This relates to a variation of condition application proposing to increasing the maximum number of flights (including weekend flights), the size of the threshold for larger aircraft, and revised Public Safety Zone Maps. The proposals are to provide increased capacity for the airport for up to 2040. Rushmoor is expected to report the application (their reference 23/00794/REVPP) to their planning committee in March 2024.


There was an update in the Planning Updates report and the amended reason for objection was:


1. It had not been demonstrated that the proposal would not have an adverse impact

on residential amenity from increased aircraft noise patterns from increased aircraft

movements under, and close to, the flightpath over this Borough, particularly noting

the increases for non-weekday movements. The assumptions of future aircraft

specifications to reduce impacts on noise have not been adequately substantiated or

could be adequately controlled failing to comply with Policy DM9 of the Surrey Heath

Core Strategy and Development Management Policies 2012 and the National

Planning Policy Framework and guidance within the Noise Policy Statement for

England 2010.

2. It had not been demonstrated that the proposal would not have an adverse impact

on air pollution on the Motorway M3 Air Quality Management Area (AQMA) from

increased traffic movements on the Motorway generated by the proposal failing to

comply with the National Planning Policy Framework.


The Committee discussed the impact of aircraft noise on areas of the borough and referenced Heathrow and Fairoaks airports in comparison.


In discussing Fairoaks Airport, Councillors queried if operations could be tempted to move to Farnborough Airport if it was permitted to allow more flights.


The Committee discussed Mytchett ward, which is Surrey Heath’s closest ward geographically to Farnborough Airport, and how residents were affected by the flight path and Farnborough Airport’s current operations. It was highlighted that Surrey Heath would not benefit from a Sound Insulation Grant Scheme.


The Committee questioned how the number of additional flights would be recorded and the effects that an increase in flights could have on Surrey Heath resident’s quality of life. 


The Committee queried where additional flights would be parked and how much additional hard standing would be required.


The officer recommendation to raise an objection, including the amended reasons for objection as stated in the Planning Updates report, was proposed by Councillor White, seconded by Councillor Noble, put to the vote and carried.


RESOLVED that an objection is raised by the council, and would include the amended reasons for objection, as stated in the Planning Updates report dated 22 February 2024.



Councillor White declared for the record that her husband is a pilot although it was not known how often he used Farnborough Airport.


Councillor Richard Wilson stated for the record that he was a Member of the British Airline Pilots Association. 



In line with Part 4, Section D, Paragraph 18 of the constitution, the voting in relation to the application was as follows:


All Committee Members present voted in favour of the officer recommendation that an objection is raised by the council, and it would include the updated reasons as stated in the Planning Updates report discussed.





Supporting documents: