Agenda item

Questions from Councillors

(a)  To deal with questions, if any, received under Council Procedure Rule 11.


(b)  The Leader to answer questions from Members in relation to the Executive functions under Council Procedure Rule 11A.


The Leisure & Culture Portfolio Holder, Councillor John Skipper, responded to a question from Councillor Murray Rowlands concerning the absence of arts and culture in the priorities of the council; he noted that an Art, Culture and Heritage Strategy was to be developed from 2024 onwards.


The Leisure & Culture Portfolio Holder, Councillor John Skipper, responded to a second question from Councillor Murray Rowlands concerning the increase of hire charges for space at Camberley Theatre; he noted that the charges were not being increased and that the Council was committed to contributing positively to the cultural life of the borough.


The Leader of the Council, Councillor Shaun Macdonald, responded to questions under Council Procedure Rule 11A:


(i)        Councillor Macdonald agreed with Councillor Shaun Garrett that administrations past and present should accept accountability for the decisions they had made;


(ii)       In response to a question from Councillor Lewis Mears, the Leader deferred to the Sustainable Transport & Planning Portfolio Holder, Councillor Alan Ashbery; who recognised that sites for the Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Showpeople Community were actively being sought across the borough;


(iii)      Councillor Macdonald replied to Councillor Jonathan Quin about the demolition of derelict buildings owned by the council on London Road, advising that he would provide an update at a later date following the upcoming Regeneration Plan briefing;


(iv)      In response to questions from Councillor Victoria Wheeler and Councillor Valerie White, it was confirmed that the implementation of the parking strategy would be subject to continuous review and this would be data led as much as possible;


(v)       Following a question from Councillor Rob Lee, it was confirmed that the Council could invite a representative from Windlesham Parish Council to a meeting of the External Partnerships Select Committee to discuss its 2024/25 precept increase;


(vi)      Councillor Shaun Garrett asked a question, noting internet outages affecting local businesses allegedly due to work being conducted on the roof of House of Frasier. The Leader was unaware of such work and would investigate further;


(vii)    In response to a question from Councillor Murray Rowlands, the vacant shops in Camberley Town Centre were acknowledged, but recognised that seasonal pressures and a tough retail market were a consideration. The Leader also highlighted the work of officers to encourage economic development in the borough; and


(viii)   The Leader agreed with Councillor Victoria Wheeler that local people are best placed to tackle local issues.


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