Agenda item

Mayor's Announcements


The Mayor congratulated Age Concern Surrey Heath on its receipt of the Kings Award for Voluntary Service.


The Council was informed that Collingwood School had recently held its Duke of Edinburgh awards where she’d had the privilege of presenting the awards to students. She extended her congratulations to recipients of Duke of Edinburgh awards from Tomlinscote and Gordons schools.


Members were updated on the many other celebrations the Mayor had been invited to since the last meeting.


The Mayor noted with regret that her planned Civic Service in January 2024 would not be going ahead. She apologised to the Mayors and Chairs of other authorities to whom she would not be able to reciprocate an invitation and to her chosen charity, Sight for Surrey, for the loss of fundraising opportunity. She also extended her thanks to her Chaplain for his support in the preparations.


On behalf of the Council, the Mayor conveyed her deepest sympathies to Alderman Alan Whittart and his family following the recent death of a close family member.