Agenda item

Draft Local Heritage Asset List (Local List)


The Executive RESOLVED that


(i)           The Draft List of Local Heritage Assets (Local List) as set out in Annex 1 be approved for public consultation for a period of 6 weeks; and


(ii)         If there are no significant changes arising from the consultation, authority be delegated to the Head of Planning, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Sustainable Transport and Planning, to adopt the List of Local Heritage Assets (Local List).






The Executive considered a report and the proposed Local list which had been developed in partnership with Surrey County Council in order to create a list of local heritage assets. The Local List comprised of buildings, structures, features, and spaces that were locally significant and would add to the cultural heritage and sense of place to the Borough.


A consultation had been undertaken in Autumn 2021 and sought nominations for inclusion on the updated list. The Executive considered a proposed final 6-week consultation on the draft Local List in order to collect comments on the proposed Local List from the public, property owners/occupiers of heritage assets, and other interested parties such as resident associations and conservation/heritage groups.


It was noted that once this list has been adopted that it would be used to guide the future use and development of local heritage assets, by enabling the significance of assets identified on the list to be fully understood and to be taken account of in the planning process, particularly in the assessment of planning applications.


Following questions by Members, it was confirmed that the consultation in respect of the original development of the list had been led by Surrey County Council, but strongly supported by this Council in the form of a number of social media posts, a press release, and consultation with groups including local residents’ associations, history groups and the Council’s Local Plan Working Group.


It was noted that there would be value to amending the list so that heritage assets would be ordered by Village rather than Borough Ward.




(i)     The Draft List of Local Heritage Assets (Local List) as set out in Annex 1 be approved for public consultation for a period of 6 weeks; and


(ii)   If there are no significant changes arising from the consultation, authority be delegated to the Head of Planning, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Sustainable Transport and Planning, to adopt the List of Local Heritage Assets (Local List).


Supporting documents: