Agenda item

Finance Service Stabilisation Review

Report to follow.



The Executive RESOLVED that


(i)            the actions proposed by the Council’s Strategic Director Finance and Customer Services (the Chief Finance Officer appointed under Section 151 of the Local Government Act 1972), set out in the main text of the agenda report and summarised at Annex A to the agenda report be supported;


(ii)          a budget growth bid on the current establishment of a minimum of £250k be considered as part of the budget process reported to full Council in February 2024; and


(iii)         the cost of supporting the Council’s stabilisation of its finance functions in the current year be noted.



The Executive considered a report setting out changes proposed to the finance service which were intended to strengthen the Council’s financial processes and address the resourcing issues within the Finance Accountancy and Transactions team. The report detailed a revised staffing structure and proposed changes to the Council’s financial processes.


Members were informed that the revised structure proposed would see a base budget cost increase of at least £250k, which would be identified as a growth bid as part of the budget setting process in February 2024. It was noted that the proposals were intended to remove reliance on agency staff.




(i)     the actions proposed by the Council’s Strategic Director Finance and Customer Services (the Chief Finance Officer appointed under Section 151 of the Local Government Act 1972), set out in the main text of the agenda report and summarised at Annex A to the agenda report be supported;


(ii)   a budget growth bid on the current establishment of a minimum of £250k be considered as part of the budget process reported to full Council in February 2024; and


(iii)  the cost of supporting the Council’s stabilisation of its finance functions in the current year be noted.


Supporting documents: