Agenda item

Questions by Members

The Leader and Portfolio Holders to receive and respond to questions from Members on any matter which relates to an Executive function in accordance with Part 4 of the Constitution, Section B Executive Procedure Rules, Paragraph 16.



The Leader undertook to respond to Councillor Sharon Galliford on whether the Council held information on how much electricity was used by 5G masts.


In response to a question from Councillor Rodney Bates on the progression of the adoption of Fairtrade Status, the Economic Development & Transformation Portfolio Holder, Councillor Shaun Garrett, advised that further information on costs was being sought. The item would be progressed once this information had been clarified and reported to Members before the end of the Council term.


The Leader referred to a question he had received from Councillor Victoria Wheeler concerning the delay to the Local Plan, which had been due the changes to National Planning Policy announced by the Government. Clarification was also sought on the anticipated timescale for publishing the Regulation 18 Gypsy & Traveller consultation and associated documents. It was advised that the Local Plan Working Group would be considering the outcome of the consultation at its meeting on 2 February 2023, at which time it would review the information that could be made public. The Executive would also be receiving a report at its March meeting setting out the revised timetable for adopting the new Local Plan.