Agenda item

Half Year Performance Report

To consider a report providing an update on the progress made to date against the targets, objectives and priorities set out in the Council’s Annual Performance Plan for the 2022/23 municipal year.


The Committee considered a report summarising the performance of the Council, over the first six months (April to September 2022) of the 2022/23 municipal year  against the objectives, priorities and success measures set out in the Council’s Annual Plan for 2022/23.


It was reported that 75% of the Plan’s agreed objectives and projects were on track to be completed within agreed timeframes and 61% of the agreed performance indicators were meeting their targets. 


It was questioned whether, as part of work focusing on the development of School Travel Plans, the Council had any plans to engage with Surrey County Council to facilitate the reduction of car use to improve safety for pedestrians and cyclists.  It was agreed that a recent refusal by the County Council’s Highway’s section to use Community Infrastructure Levy payments to fund one such project would be followed up outside the meeting.


The Committee queried how realistic target HQL11, Aim to build at least 49 homes through a joint venture project with a registered social landlord (RSL) was.  It was clarified that the project would involve the Council identifying appropriate land within its ownership that could then be developed by the RSL.  Whilst the Council maintained regular dialogue with a variety of RSLs it was recognised that the Council was reliant on the RSLs to progress a new development.  A suggestion that as the target was unlikely to be met and should therefore be removed from the Annual Plan was acknowledged however it was considered that keeping the target in the Plan until the end of the year would be more transparent.


The inclusion of projects including Surrey Heartlands as well as Frimley Integrated Care System was received positively.  It was clarified that references to ‘Frimley Clinical Commissioning Group were a legacy from when the original plan was agreed in March 2022


It was agreed that the possibility of extending the online safeguarding training package to members would be considered as part of work to develop the Member Induction Programme that would be delivered to all members following the elections in May 2023.


With regards to air quality, it was queried whether air monitoring would take place in parts of the Borough that were not yet monitored, it was confirmed that 50 sites across the Borough were already monitored and expanding this programme would have cost implications for the Council.  It was noted that new regulations relating to the monitoring of particulate levels were awaited from the Government which could alter the way air quality was monitored. 


The Committee’s concern over the length of time that it was taking to process Housing Benefits Claims, 25.30 days and 25.80 days in Quarters1 and 2 respectively compared to a target of 20 days, was acknowledged.  The Committee was informed that the majority of the Housing Benefits claims being processed were for Exempt Accommodation claims, i.e. the resident was living in supported or temporary accommodation, which required more detailed assessment than standard claims.  In addition, the Revenues and Benefits Team had responsibility for processing a number of new Government Initiatives including Homes for Ukraine grants and the Energy Payment Rebate Scheme, something that had impacted on team capacity.


The Committee noted the report.



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