Agenda item

Pay Settlement

To consider the report of the Head of HR, Performance & Communications (attached).



The Council considered a report proposing a consolidated pay increase of 8% for all pay scale points, to be applied from 1 October 2022 to reflect the inflationary pressures affecting staff. The proposed pay award had been subject to negotiation with Staff and Member Representatives through the Joint Staff Consultative Group and had subsequently been recommended for adoption by the Employment Committee.


Members were advised that a number of factors had been taken into consideration when negotiating the proposed pay award, including staff turnover and morale. The need to reduce costs, find further savings and find additional sources of income to accommodate this award had also been recognised.


The Council was reminded that the Members’ Allowances Scheme adopted in February 2020 provided for the Basic Allowance, Special Responsibility Allowances, and Carers’ Allowances to be increased annually in line with the percentage staff pay award; it was therefore expected for this increase to be applied from 1 April 2023.


Members discussed the application of the staff pay award to Members’ Allowances and it was suggested that, rather than applying it from 1 April 2023, the increase should be introduced for the councillors elected in May 2023. It was proposed by Councillor Rodney Bates and seconded by Councillor Victoria Wheeler that the date from which the increase should be applied be amended to 1 May 2023. Following further discussion, it was agreed to alter this date to 8 May 2023, which would correspond with the start of the new Council term.




(i)     a consolidated 8% pay rise be applied on all pay scale points from 1October 2022, as proposed by the Employment Committee; and


(ii)   the consequent 8% increase to Members’ Allowances be applied from 8 May 2023.


Supporting documents: