Agenda item



The Executive RESOLVED that the Council enters into a lease arrangement with @TheOldDeanRec registered charity group, applying a community rent subsidy as outlined within the agenda report, to support establishing and delivering its services.



The Executive considered a proposal use the unused rooms within the Old Dean Pavilion to provide a small locally run junior library and community facility offering soft drinks and toilet facilities, to be called @TheOldDeanRec. The facility would be highly accessible to the most deprived area of Old Dean, situated immediately next to the playground renovated in 2020.  @TheOldDeanRec would be run by volunteers and it was hoped to make it available on weekdays after school hours, the weekends and school holidays.


It was reported that, whilst the Old Dean Community Group would be happy to provide the support needed to help setup @TheOldDeanRec,  a new Charitable Incorporated Organisation had been created to run it on a day to day basis, in order to provide the dedicated focus it would require. Three trustees had already been appointed.


Members discussed the proposals and noted that the space had not been used for a considerable time and had been subject to vandalism. It was also recognised that the project had the potential to serve real needs and support was therefore indicated for the proposal.


RESOLVED that the Council enters into a lease arrangement with @TheOldDeanRec registered charity group, applying a community rent subsidy as outlined within the agenda report, to support establishing and delivering its services.


Note: In accordance with the Members’ Code of Conduct Councillors Rodney Bates and Shaun Garrett declared non-pecuniary interests as they were trustees of Old Dean Community Group.


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