Agenda item

Amey Contract Improvement Plan

To receive an update on the progress made towards achieving the aims, priorities and objectives set out in Amey’s Contract Improvement Plan at the end of the first quarter (April to June 2022) of the 2022/23 financial year.


The Committee received a presentation on the progress of Amey toward achieving aims, priorities and objectives set out in Amey’s Contract Improvement Plan at the end of the first quarter (April to June 2022) of the 2022/23 financial year.


It was reported that throughout the two week industrial action, Amey had maintained regular communication with staff throughout via face to face briefings and written communication. Regular services and support was offered to all that chose to continue to work and staff who participated in the industrial action.


Following the successful end to the industrial action, Amey continued to employ it’s People Services department at sites to facilitate integration of the workforce. Monthly engagement/safety forums had been established on all sites to ensure all employees voices were heard. Quarterly Union consultations were being scheduled.  


The Business Continuity Plan (BCP) had been revised following the industrial action to be applicable across the four sites and scenarios that would be likely to cause disruption in future, and a review of the BCP by the Committee had been planned in future. The Committee were informed that upon the agreement of the BCP with the Joint Waste Services, an emergency response plan would be agreed upon.


Garden waste services had been fully reinstated and the service had stabilised in all Joint Contract areas. Filled vacancies meant that garden waste collections had become standard practice, and only Mole Valley was not accepting new subscribers.


Members were informed that the pay deal in August had a positive impact on vacancies and that for the first time in 12 months there were no driver vacancies. The quality of applicants had also improved for all positions, and contracts to over recruit for positions to stabilise current services had been secured. These additional staff would be used to support daily operations, allowing crews to attend training and enabling Site Management to focus on strategic matters and improvements . Support had been made available for all staff for issues related to the cost of living crisis.


The Committee was presented with the Amey 2022/23 Improve Strategy, with the suspension of the use of HVO fuel arising as the primary concern as a result an environmental agency report into the nature of the fuel.


After a period of discussion, the Members queried a number of issues raised as a result of the presentation, and the key points were as follows:


·         Quarterly feedback had not found any complaints regarding working conditions with Amey staff.

·         The integration of Elmbridge and Mole Valley’s Customer Service Forms with Amey’s ICT system was ongoing, and the majority of the work would be complete by the end of the year.

·         Amey continued to recruit agency staff as it reduces turnover, and upon the completion of an 8 week probationary period, staff were offered full time contracts, with the majority of staff accepting the contract. There were currently 35 agency staff employed by Amey.

·         Amey were keen to explore greener options for vehicles but understood that electric vehicles struggled in rural areas due to larger distances being covered.


The Committee noted the report and commended Amey for their work during the industrial action.