Agenda item

EV Charging in Council Car Parks


The Executive RESOLVED to


(i)            note the outcome of the procurement; and


(ii)          delegate authority to the Strategic Directors for Environment & Community and Finance & Customer Services in consultation with the Portfolio Holders for Environment & Health and Finance & Customer Services to conclude contractual terms and proceed with the award of contract based on a 10-year contract term.



The Executive considered a report on the progress on the electric vehicle (EV) charge point project in Council owned and operated car parks. Agreement was also sought to appoint a contractor for the delivery of the project following a procurement process.


A consultation had been undertaken with residents that had identified that access to charging facilities, particularly overnight charging, was a particular issue for residents without access to off-street parking. The basis of the tender had been a Concession Contract, for 7kWh chargers suitable for overnight charging, with the supplier responsible for the funding of the works and a revenue share to be returned to the Council as landowner.  


Members discussed the list of car parks included in the proposals and were advised that they had been chosen based on their technical capacity, in particular in relation to accessing the necessary power for the chargers. Options for other Council owned car parks were expected to be considered in future reports as part of a broader strategy looking at whether additional infrastructure could be introduced to support EV charging in those locations. Work was also underway to assess opportunities for electric vehicle charging within the Knoll Road and Main Square multi-storey car parks, where visitors to the town would benefit from fast charging infrastructure. It was noted that Surrey County Council was currently exploring options for on-street EV charging across the county and suggested that this Council should be encouraged to work with the County Council to address gaps in provision within the borough.




(i)     the outcome of the procurement be noted; and


(ii)   authority be delegated to the Strategic Directors for Environment & Community and Finance & Customer Services in consultation with the Portfolio Holders for Environment & Health and Finance & Customer Services to conclude contractual terms and proceed with the award of contract based on a 10-year contract term.


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