Agenda item

Application Number 21/1288: Princess Royal Barracks ANGST, Brunswick Road, Deepcut, Camberley, Surrey, GU16 6RN


The application was in respect of a Reserved Matters application for Blackdown Road ANGST and Sports Pitches (Phase5g and 5h) pursuant to condition 4 (reserved matters, access, layout, scale, appearance and landscaping) and partial submission of details pursuant to conditions 16 (detailed ecological  management strategy and management plan), 21 (LAPS and LEAPS), 29 (tree retention and protection plans), 32 (hard and Soft landscaping), 33 (landscape management plan) and 43 (foul drainage) attached to 12/0546 dated 4th April 2014 (As amended), 12/0546 as amended by 18/0619 and 1/1002 and Schedules 5 Parts 5 (ANGST), 9 (LEAPS AND LAPS) and 12 (Blackdown Playing Field and Upgrade to Blackdown Playing Field of the Section 106 agreement dated 17th April 2014 as varied pursuant to the T_CP (Modification ad Discharge of Planning Obligations) 1992.


It was clarified that the land that the playground on Woodend Road currently occupied was owned by the Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO) and leased to Surrey Heath Borough Council.  The land would eventually be transferred into the Council’s ownership and a financial contribution would be provided for the play area.  Ongoing responsibility for the maintenance of the air raid shelter within the woodland was still to be determined and this had been conditioned for in the application.


The Committee commended the quality of the Suitable Alternative Natural Greensapce (SANG) that had already been delivered on the Mindenhurst development and considered that the application would enhance the area further. 


The officer recommendation to grant the application was proposed by Councillor Morgan Rise seconded by Councillor Cliff Betton and put to the vote and carried.


RESOLVED that application 21/1288 be granted subject to the conditions in the officer report and update sheet, as amended



Councillor Hawkins indicated that the Committee had received correspondence from Skansa in relation to the application.


Supporting documents: