Agenda item

Annual Performance Report

To receive and comment on a report summarising the performance of the Council in 2021/22 against the corporate objectives, priorities and success measures set out in the Annual Plan.


The Committee received the Annual Performance Report for the 2021/22 municipal year.  The report summarised the performance of the Council against the corporate objectives, priorities and success measures set out in the Annual Plan and which were, in turn, reflectve of the Council’s agreed Five Year Strategy.


The Committee was informed that as at 31st March 2022, 74% of the agreed objectives or projects in the Annual Plan were either complete or had been achieved, 23% had been partly achieved and 3% were either on hold or at significant risk of not being achieved.  In respect of the agreed performance indicators, 62% had achieved their agreed targets, 19% were less than 10% away from meeting their targets and 19% were more than 10% off target.


It was clarified that elements of the Climate Change actions had been classified as being amber because the in year target for the provision of electric vehicle charging points had not been met.  In addition the amber rating reflected a prudent pesrpective recongnising that the long term target was ambitious and would require tangible implementation of initiatives to achieve it.  The Committee was informed that Surrey County Council would be prioritising the roll out of a county wide network of on-street charging points however it was not yet clear how areas would be prioritised.  Surrey Heath Borough Council was pressing forward with its plans for electric vehicle (EV) charges in car parks and was currently evaluating bid from potential providers.  The variables around the different types of charging points were complex and it was confirmed that payback and profitability would form part of the review.  It was noted that parish councils were exploring the possibility of installing electric vehicle charges and the learning from the Council’s work could be shared.


It was confirmed that officers had met with Accent to discuss the quality of repairs and the maintenance of the Borough’s social housing and the use of refurbishment grants to improve the energy efficiency of the Borough’s social housing stock was also under discussion. 


Members’ frustrations over the progress on the target to develop social housing in the Borough were acknowledged.  It was confirmed that the Council had an active dialogue with Accent Housing, with intent to progress on both sides and were looking at every opportunity to move this forward recognising that they were an independent organisation with their own separate decision making arrangements..


It was confirmed that fly tipping was examined to try and identify those responsible and where the perpetrators were identified then prosecutions were pursued.  A suggestion that that more could be done to publicise successful prosecutions would be followed up.  The Council was also expecting to introduce mobile CCTV to increase the work in this area.


It was noted that the Council was currently on track to deliver the new Local Plan in line with the agreed timetable although the provision of sufficient numbers of Gypsy and Traveller sites, and any changes in approach from the Government could be an issue. 


Comments about the readability of the table of Success Measures were noted and it was agreed that this would be reviewed.


The Committee noted the report.














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