Agenda item

Application Number 21/0901 - Windlesham Garden Centre, London Road, Windlesham, Surrey, GU20 6LL


The application was for the demolition of part of the existing building, erection of a single storey glass house extension (use class 'E') and designation of a smoking area with associated alterations, resurfacing of existing car park with associated lighting and creation of a raised veranda and porch to existing farm shop (retrospective) and provision of smoking shelter, cycle parking and electric vehicle charging points.


The application had been referred to the Planning Applications Committee because of its association with 20/0494, which had also been reported to the meeting.


Members were advised of the following updates:



Condition 4


Add “cycle parking” after “adequately signed”


Members had notable concerns in respect of the proposal’s negative effect on the residential amenities of nearby residents. This constituted the adverse impact of the lighting and noise associated with proposal. As a result it was agreed by the Committee to amend condition 2 of the officer’s recommendation to require use of a temporary barrier to prevent use of the section of the car park which was north of Homestead Cottages and were adjacent to Holm Place and The Bear House. It was also agreed to require, by a further condition, that the lighting in this area be switched off between 8pm to 7am; and that the lighting for the rest of the site be switched off between 12.30am and 7am.


Furthermore, in the interest of further protecting nearby residential amenity, a condition was added to stipulate that no servicing or deliveries should take place between midnight and 7am, during Monday to Saturday; nor midnight to 9am on Sunday. To this effect, it was agreed to also add a further condition to stipulate that the gates at the entrance of the site from the A30 should be closed between the hours of 12:30am to 7.30am.


The Officer recommendation to grant the application was proposed by Councillor Morgan Rise, seconded by Councillor Liz Noble and put to the vote and carried.


RESOLVED that application 21/0901 be granted subject to the conditions in the officer report, as amended and the additional conditions.


Note 1

It was noted for the record that:

                      i.        Councillor Edward Hawkins declared that the Committee had received various pieces of correspondence in respect of the application;

                    ii.        Councillor Victoria Wheeler declared that:

a)    She had met with the applicant onsite alongside other Ward Councillors and local residents;

b)    She had attended a Licensing Sub-Committee meeting in respect of a Licensing application for the site, but she came into the meeting with an open mind.

c)    She had been copied into correspondence between neighbours and the former restaurant manager regarding noise disturbance complaints;

                   iii.        Councillor Valerie White declared that:

a)    She had met with the applicant onsite alongside other Ward Councillors and local residents;

b)    She had attended a Licensing Sub-Committee meeting in respect of a Licensing application for the site, but she came into the meeting with an open mind.


Note 2

In accordance with Part 4, Section D, paragraph 18 of the Constitution, the voting in relation to the application was as follows:


Voting in favour of the Officer Recommendation to grant the application:


Councillors Stuart Black, Mark Gordon, Edward Hawkins, David Lewis, Charlotte Morley, Liz Noble, Robin Perry, Darryl Ratiram, Morgan Rise, Graham Tapper, Pat Tedder, Victoria Wheeler and Valerie White.