Agenda item

Star Chamber Outcome Report


The Executive RESOLVED that


(i)            subject to the amendments below, the proposals set out in section 4 of the agenda report be agreed


a.      the proposal to maintain the current opening hours for the reception at Surrey Heath House rather than reverting back to pre-pandemic arrangements, as set out at paragraph 4.3 of the agenda report, be supported, but further options for longer opening hours one day per week be explored;


b.      the proposal to reduce the number of amenity grass cuts this Council completes on Surrey County Council land by two per annum, as set out at paragraph 4.6 of the agenda report, be removed, but further opportunities for savings through joined-up working with partner organisations be explored and reported to the Executive in due course;


c.      the proposal to reduce the print editions of Heathscene, as set out at paragraph 4.16 of the agenda report, be removed but officers be tasked with further exploring digital options for Heathscene and increasing marketing revenue from the publication;


d.      the proposal to explore a shorter parade route for the annual Remembrance Sunday event, as set out at paragraph 4.16 of the agenda report, be removed but continue to be explored with key stakeholders;


e.      the proposal to discontinue the expenditure on a Christmas Tree for Surrey Heath House in its present form, as set out at paragraph 4.17 of the agenda report, be supported, but alternative options for Christmas decorations be explored; and


(ii)          responsibility for the implementation of the proposals agreed by the Executive and the associated adjustment of relevant in-year budget totals and Medium Term Financial Strategy totals be delegated to the Director of Finance & Customer Service in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Finance & Customer Service.



The Executive considered a report setting out the initial findings of the Star Chamber process that had been undertaken to identify £1.350m of savings. The £1.350m of savings had been agreed in the Council’s Medium Term Financial Strategy, with an aspiration of stretching to £2m of savings, in order to progressively bring the budget back to a sustainable position by maximising the delivery of efficiencies and income generation. The report set out the efficiencies, savings and income generation options that had been identified by officers, detailing the suggested proposals and the projected savings.


It was reported that, whilst the Star Chamber process had been focussed upon the identification of savings, efficiencies and income generation, the impact of the current economic climate had been taken into account. It was recognised that it may be necessary to conduct further reviews if inflation and interest rates continued to rise.


Arising from the discussions on the identified savings from each service area, the following matters were highlighted and changes to the recommendations agreed:


(i)    The proposal to retain the Main Reception opening hours that had operated since the pandemic was supported, but it was agreed to further consider options for extending opening hours one day a week to accommodate residents unable to visit the Council Offices before 1pm.


(ii)  The number of amenity grass cuts completed by this Council on Surrey County Council land was discussed and suggestions were made about working with partners to share costs in areas where both organisations undertook cuts in a particular location. It agreed not to reduce the number of amenity cuts, but to explore further opportunities for savings through joined-up working with partner organisations.


(iii)Following clarification that the proposal to amend leases to include utility costs would only be pursued when leases were due to be renewed, it was suggested that the relevant councillors should be notified at the time this affected a lease within their ward.


(iv)The proposal to reduce the number of printed editions of Heathscene to one issue per year, within two years, was considered and Members recognised the importance of this communication with residents, in particular those who did not engage with online forms of communication. Arising from the discussions, it was agreed not to pursue this proposal at the current time, but digital options for the delivery of Heathscene, along with increasing marketing revenue from the publication, would be further explored.


(v)  Members were informed that the proposals for altering the route for the annual Remembrance Sunday parade had arisen from discussions with the Royal British Legion (RBL) due to difficulties experienced by some veterans. Having heard concerns about the proposals, it was recognised that any such decision was not related to financial considerations and it was therefore agreed to remove this proposal from the list of savings identified. Whilst discussions on alternative options would continue separately with the RBL, assurances were given that they would only be implemented if they received the organisation’s support.


(vi)The Executive agreed to support the proposal not to continue the current arrangements for the Christmas tree at Surrey Heath House; however, alternative options would be considered for Christmas decorations at Surrey Heath House, including options for an artificial tree, decorating the existing tree on the building’s lawn, and planting a more permanent Christmas tree at the location.




(i)     subject to the amendments below, the proposals set out in section 4 of the agenda report be agreed


a.        the proposal to maintain the current opening hours for the reception at Surrey Heath House rather than reverting back to pre-pandemic arrangements, as set out at paragraph 4.3 of the agenda report, be supported, but further options for longer opening hours one day per week be explored;


b.        the proposal to reduce the number of amenity grass cuts this Council completes on Surrey County Council land by two per annum, as set out at paragraph 4.6 of the agenda report, be removed, but further opportunities for savings through joined-up working with partner organisations be explored and reported to the Executive in due course;


c.        the proposal to reduce the print editions of Heathscene, as set out at paragraph 4.16 of the agenda report, be removed but officers be tasked with further exploring digital options for Heathscene and increasing marketing revenue from the publication;


d.        the proposal to explore a shorter parade route for the annual Remembrance Sunday event, as set out at paragraph 4.16 of the agenda report, be removed but continue to be explored with key stakeholders;


e.        the proposal to discontinue the expenditure on a Christmas Tree for Surrey Heath House in its present form, as set out at paragraph 4.17 of the agenda report, be supported, but alternative options for Christmas decorations be explored; and


(ii)   responsibility for the implementation of the proposals agreed by the Executive and the associated adjustment of relevant in-year budget totals and Medium Term Financial Strategy totals be delegated to the Director of Finance & Customer Service in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Finance & Customer Service.


Supporting documents: