Agenda item

Governance Working Group

To consider the report of the Head of Legal & Democratic Services (attached).


The Council received a report from the Governance Working Group on the issues it had discussed at its meeting on 8 April 2022. The Group had reviewed and made a number of recommended changes to the Council Procedure Rules, the Executive Procedure Rules, and the Committees, Sub Committees and Other Bodies Procedure Rules. These documents had been reviewed as part of the holistic review of the Constitution being undertaken by the Monitoring Officer.


Members reviewed the changes proposed to the Council Procedure Rules, in particular the proposal to remove the section on the State of the Borough debate. The Working Group had recognised that the State of the Borough debate had not been used in previous years. Also, as it was something that could be carried out at the Leader’s discretion, if the Leader was inclined to make such an address he could do so during Leader’s Announcements.




(i)        Council Procedure Rules be amended, as set out at Annex A to the agenda report;


(ii)      the Executive Procedure Rules be amended, as set out at Annex B to the agenda report; and


(iii)     the Committees, Sub Committees and Other Bodies Procedure Rules be amended, as set out at Annex C to the agenda report.


Supporting documents: