Agenda item

Capital Outturn and Prudential Indicators for 2021/22


The Executive RESOLVED that


(i)            Actual capital expenditure for 2021/22 of £4.490 million against a budget of £14.024 million be noted;


(ii)          The budget provision of £8.492 million be re-profiled from 2021/22 into 2022/23, as previously identified in the budget report in February to Council, and included in Annex A, be approved;


(iii)         The additional re-profiling of £0.732 million further identified at year-end (31 March 2022) and included in Annex A be approved;


(iv)         The additional expenditure of £35,000 for urgent health and safety remedial works at the Camberley Theatre and included in Annex A be approved and this is funded from a revenue contribution in 2021/22; this combined with items (ii) and (iii) totals £9.259 million to be re-profiled into 2022/23;


(v)          the revised 2022/23 Capital Programme of £10.360 million comprising the £1.101 million of new budget agreed at the Council meeting in February 2022 plus £9.259 million of previously agreed budget re-profiled into 2022/23, be noted; and


(vi)         The final capital prudential indicators for 2021/22 be noted.



The Executive received a report detailing the capital outturn and Prudential Indicators for 2021/22. Actual capital expenditure during 2021/22 had been £4.490m. Members also noted the proposals for the re-profiling of budget and the expenditure of £35,000 on urgent Health & Safety works at Camberley Theatre.




(i)     actual capital expenditure for 2021/22 of £4.490 million against a budget of £14.024 million be noted;


(ii)   the budget provision of £8.492 million be re-profiled from 2021/22 into 2022/23, as previously identified in the budget report in February to Council, and included in Annex A to the agenda report;


(iii)  The additional re-profiling of £0.732 million further identified at year-end (31 March 2022) and included in Annex A to the agenda report be approved;


(iv)  the additional expenditure of £35,000 for urgent health and safety remedial works at the Camberley Theatre and included in Annex A to the agenda report be approved and this is funded from a revenue contribution in 2021/22; this combined with items (ii) and (iii) totals £9.259 million to be re-profiled into 2022/23;


(v)   the revised 2022/23 Capital Programme of £10.360 million comprising the £1.101 million of new budget agreed at the Council meeting in February 2022 plus £9.259 million of previously agreed budget re-profiled into 2022/23, be noted; and


(vi)  the final capital prudential indicators for 2021/22 be noted.


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