Agenda item

End of Year Performance Report


The Executive RESOLVED that


(i)            the End of Year performance report at Annex A to the agenda report be noted;


(ii)          the End of Year outturns against the Council’s performance indicators at Annex B the agenda report be noted; and


(iii)         the comments and observations from the Performance and Finance Scrutiny Committee at Annex C to the agenda report be noted.



The Executive received a report detailing the Council’s performance in 2021/22. The feedback from the Performance and Finance Scrutiny Committee on the performance was also noted.




(i)     the End of Year performance report at Annex A to the agenda report be noted;


(ii)   the End of Year outturns against the Council’s performance indicators at Annex B the agenda report be noted; and


(iii)  the comments and observations from the Performance and Finance Scrutiny Committee at Annex C to the agenda report be noted.


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