Agenda item

Camberley Street Angels


The Committee received a verbal update from Reverend Mike Thomason and Richard Salt, Street Angels Coordinator, in respect of Camberley Street Angels.


Camberley Street Angels was a Churches Together initiative and a group of volunteers who believed that people deserved care and love at their time of need.


The Street Angels provided emergency welfare support in Camberley Town Centre, when the nightime economy was most active. The Street Angels currently provided support on two Fridays a month, including the monthly payday, and worked alongside the Police and doorstaff. The initiative was reemerging, post lockdown, and currently had 13 volunteers.


Following Members’ comments it was clarified that in order to volunteer as part of Camberley Street Angels individuals did not need to be a member of the church, but instead just needed to share the church’s ethos and values. Members also felt that there was an opportunity to promote the Street Angels in Heathscene in order to help with the recruitment of volunteers and it was noted that various Members had volunteered with Camberley Street Angels and had found the experience enlightening.


Members thanked Mike and Richard for the update.



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