Agenda item

Household Support Fund Update


The Executive RESOLVED that


(i)            the revised action plan outlined in paragraph 22 of the agenda report, and the allocation outlined in paragraph 3 of the agenda report be agreed; and


(ii)         in order to ensure that all money is allocated, authority be delegated to the Head of HR, Performance & Communication in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Support & Safeguarding to distribute the funds as required



The Executive was informed that a further £21,650.39 had been allocated to the Council from the Government’s Household Support Grant for providing financial support for vulnerable households. This was in addition to the £176,820.17 received at the end of 2021. The suggestions for the allocation for the funds, as detailed in the agenda report, were noted. 


Members were advised that the funds would need to be allocated by 31 March 2022 or they would be returned to the Government.




(i)        the revised action plan outlined in paragraph 2.2 of the agenda report, and the allocation outlined in paragraph 3 of the agenda report be agreed; and


(ii)      in order to ensure that all money is allocated, authority be delegated to the Head of HR, Performance & Communication in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Support & Safeguarding to distribute the funds as required.


Note: In accordance with the Members’ Code of Conduct, Councillor Rodney Bates declared a non-pecuniary interest as he volunteered for Camberley Besom, a proposed recipient for funding, and a member of his immediate family was a key worker for the charity. 


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