Agenda item

Hackney Carriage (Taxi) Fares


The Committee considered a report setting out proposals to update the Taxi Fare Chart for the hire of Hackney Carriages in Surrey Heath.


Section 65 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 (the Act) provided that a district or borough council may set local taxi fares for journeys within its area by means of a table or scheme of fares.


The current fares were set in 2012 and a revised fare chart had been proposed following review of the proposed fares at its meeting in October 2021. Following the meeting the proposed fares had been subject to public consultation by way of an advert in the local media and through the Council’s social media channels. On 30 December 2021 the Council received a representation from a member of the trade, which resulted in some additional information in respect of the price per mile being added to the Fare Chart and a decision to restart the consultation process. A further representation from the same member of the trade was received on 4 January 2022, which was appended to the agenda report, but had not resulted in any proposed changes to the fare chart.


Members were reassured that the Council conducted a measured mile meter check in order to ensure accurate fares were paid by customers. Moreover, in acknowledgement of rising fuel prices, it was noted that the existing fare chart was last adopted in 2012 and lasted 10 years; increases in fuel prices and other charges would be monitored and further reviews of the fares would take place if required.


The proposed fare chart was the maximum fare which could be charged by the trade.


RESOLVED that the revised Fare Chart, as per Annex A of the agenda reports pack, be approved for introduction from 1st April 2022.



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