Agenda item

Capital Programme 2021/22 Monitoring Report - Quarter 3


The Executive RESOLVED to note the expenditure on the capital programme for the period 1st April to 31st December 2021 and the end of year forecast.



The Executive received a report setting out expenditure on the approved capital programme for the 2021/22 financial year as at the end of the third quarter, along with the end of year forecast.


It was reported that the year-end forecast outturn was £5.034 million, 35.90% of the programme. Members were advised that the Property Investment Working Group had asked for a number of capital projects to be delayed in order to conduct a thorough review of these projects’ viability. It was also advised that, in future, capital budgets would be presented over a 4 year period.


RESOLVED to note the expenditure on the capital programme for the period 1April to 31 December 2021 and the end of year forecast.


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