Agenda item

Write off of Irrecoverable Bad Debts


The Executive RESOLVED that bad debts totalling £49,153.55 in respect of Council Tax and £93,045.17 in respect of Non-Domestic Rates be approved for write off.



The Executive considered a report seeking approval to write off bad debts incurred through the non-payment of Council tax and Non-Domestic Rates.


All of the debts had been subject to the relevant recovery action and tracing enquiries. The Council’s enforcement agents had also been unable to recover the debts from any forwarding address obtained from the tracing undertaken and the debt was now considered irrecoverable.


It was agreed to ascertain the status of a report to the Performance & Finance Scrutiny Committee on the use of enforcement agents to recover debt, which had been agreed at a previous meeting. It was also suggested that consideration be given to whether further examination was required regarding the makeup of individuals included in the lists of individual debtors and the Council’s equality policies.  


RESOLVED that bad debts totalling £49,153.55 in respect of Council Tax and £93,045.17 in respect of Non-Domestic Rates be approved for write off.


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