Agenda item

Leader's Announcements


The Leader reported that it had been announced in the Autumn Statement that there would be bonus money on offer via the Local Enterprise Partnerships.  As a result, in addition to maximising the opportunity to accelerate some of the existing bids, work on a further bid would be undertaken.


At the Surrey Leaders’ meeting on 26 November 2014, Kevin Hurley, the Police and Crime Commissioner, had indicated that he was considering setting his precept at such a level as to trigger a Council Tax referendum.  In this event, the Referendum would be held on 7 May 2015 together with the Combined Elections.


At the last meeting of the Thames Basin Heaths Joint Strategic Partnership Board concern had been expressed in relation to the lack of available resources to manage SANGS and the effect this would have on the carrying out of works.


South East England Councils had held a seminar in relation to the Duty to Cooperate.  This had provided a clear understanding of what the Duty meant and emphasised that it was part of the process of strategic planning to be undertaken by districts councils.  The Council would be asked to sign a Memorandum of Understanding to Cooperate, although it would still be necessary to show that the work had been done.  Complying with the Duty would be very important in reviewing the Council’s Core Strategy and other plans.