Agenda item

63a High Street, Bagshot


The Executive RESOLVED that, subject to completion of the standstill process without challenge,


(i)            a contract be awarded to the bidder and for the sum identified in the agenda report, to carry out refurbishment works within 63a High Street, Bagshot to enable the opportunity for letting and occupation of part as offices on a commercial basis;


(ii)          expenditure of up to the amount identified in the agenda report be approved from the Council’s capital budget to undertake the refurbishment of parts of 63a High Street, Bagshot;


(iii)         any expenditure of the Additional Contingency Sum included within the total expenditure request be delegated to the Director of Finance & Customer Services, in consultation with the Leader and the Economic Development & Transformation Portfolio Holder;


(iv)         subject to discussions between the Portfolio Holders for Economic Development & Transformation, Environment & Health and officers to explore a solution that is acceptable and that maximises the value achieved from the site, an application be submitted for planning consent for development on Council owned land at the rear of 63a High Street, Bagshot; and


(v)          discussions be undertaken with Notcutts in order to seek to offset the expenditure by using monies held in a reserve fund and known as the Notcutts bursary.



The Executive considered a report requesting approval to award a contract for refurbishment and repair works to the Council’s 63a High Street, Bagshot property to enable letting and occupation of part as offices. It also requested approval for capital expenditure to undertake this work.


Members were informed that the Council could seek to offset the expenditure by using monies held in a reserve fund and known as the Notcutts bursary, which had been lodged at the time of the Waitrose development in Bagshot and were governed by a memorandum. It was suggested that it would be advisable to engage with Notcutts if this option was to be pursued.


The Executive discussed the proposal to submit a planning application for consent to develop a dwelling unit on land to the rear of 63a High Street, Bagshot and questioned whether two dwellings could be accommodated on that site. A preference was also indicated for providing social housing or alms-house accommodation at the site. It was therefore agreedto further explore options with officers in order to achieve the best solution for the site.


RESOLVED that, subject to completion of the standstill process without challenge,


(i)     A contract be awarded to the bidder and for the sum identified in the agenda report, to carry out refurbishment works within 63a High Street, Bagshotto enable the opportunity for letting and occupation of part as offices on a commercial basis;


(ii)   expenditure of up to the amount identified in the agenda report be approved from the Council’s capital budget to undertake the refurbishment of parts of 63a High Street, Bagshot;


(iii)  any expenditure of the Additional Contingency Sum included within the total expenditure request be delegated to the Director of Finance & Customer Services, in consultation with the Leader and the Economic Development & Transformation Portfolio Holder;


(iv)  subject to discussions between the Portfolio Holders for Economic Development & Transformation, Environment & Health and officers to explore a solution that was acceptable and that maximised the value achieved from the site, an application be submitted for planning consent for development on Council owned land at the rear of 63a High Street, Bagshot; and


(v)  discussions be undertaken with Notcutts in order to seek to offset the expenditure by using monies held in a reserve fund and known as the Notcutts bursary (£185,000).


Note: In accordance with the Members’ Code of Conduct, Councillor Rebecca Jennings-Evans declared a pecuniary interest as her husband owned a business at the rear of 63a High Street, Bagshot and she left the Chamber during consideration of the item.