Agenda item

Application Number: 20/0752 - Land Between Larchwood Glade And Devonshire Drive, Camberley, Surrey, GU15 3UW


The application was for the erection of 3no two storey detached dwellings (1x 3bed and 2x4bed) with private amenity area, parking and access.


This application would have normally been determined under the Council's Scheme of Delegation. However, it had been called in by Councillor Shaun Garrett, due to concerns over the proposal’s detrimental impact on the environment, wildlife and biodiversity of the area.


As the application had triggered the Council’s Public Speaking Scheme, Mr Simon Kevany and Mr Trefor Hogg spoke in objection to the application. Mr Nicholas Cobbold, the agent, spoke in support of the application.


Members had particular concerns in respect of the scheme’s parking provision and the potential knock-on effects on residential amenity. It was thereby agreed that, if the application was to be heard at a planning appeal, that the Council would recommend that the permitted development rights for the garages be removed in order to retain them for the purposes of parking.


The officer recommendation to refuse the application was proposed by Councillor Charlotte Morley, seconded by Councillor Shaun Garrett and put to the vote and carried.



             I.        Application 20/0752 be refused for the reasons as laid out in the Officer’s report; and

            II.        The removal of proposed garages’ the permitted development rights be recommended in the case of the application being heard at a Planning Appeal.


Note 1

It was noted for the record that:

               I.        Councillor Shaun Garrett declared that he had attended a meeting with residents in respect of the application, but did not express opinion on the application and came into the meeting with an open mind;

             II.        Councillor Edward Hawkins declared that Members of the Committee knew the public speaker Trefor Hogg in their various capacities; and

            III.        Councillor Rodney Bates declared that:

                                      i.        He had also attended the same residents’ meeting as Councillor Shaun Garrett

                                    ii.        He knew the Highways Officer who had commented on the application as a consultee, as they were members of the same cricket club, but they had not discussed the application together.

Note 2

A roll call vote was conducted on the application and the voting was as follows:


Voting in favour of the officer recommendation to refuse the application:

Councillors Peter Barnett, Cliff Betton, Colin Dougan, Shaun Garrett, Edward Hawkins, David Lewis, Emma-Jane McGrath, Charlotte Morley, Robin Perry, Darryl Ratiram, Morgan Rise, Graham Tapper, Victoria Wheeler, Helen Whitcroft and Valerie White.



Supporting documents: