Agenda item

Update on the Planning Inspectorate's decision on APP/D3640/W/20/3248476: Woodside Cottage Chapel Lane, GU19 5DE

To receive a verbal update.


The Committee received a verbal update on the Planning Inspectorate’s appeal decision on APP/D3640/W/20/3248476 Woodside Cottage (planning application 19/0235), from the Executive Head of Regulatory.


It was explained to the Committee why the Council had chosen not to actively defend the Committee’s reasons for refusal. In addition it was underlined that the decision letter issued by the Planning Inspector stated that the Council had responded reasonably and responsibly given the change in situation in respect of its 5 year housing land supply.


Going forward, the importance of having a 5 year housing land supply was reemphasised. In addition it was noted by the Chairman that the topic of planning appeals would be discussed at the Governance Working Group and that there would be future training for Members on constructing defendable reasons for refusal.


RESOLVED that the update be noted.