Agenda item

Application Number:20/0090 - 134 & 136 London Road, Bagshot, Surrey, GU19 5BZ


The application was an Outline planning application for the erection of 26 residential units (Class C3) following demolition of both existing dwellings with new vehicular access off London Road. Access, appearance, layout and scale to be considered with landscaping reserved.


Members were advised of the following updates on the application:




Refuse  and cycle storage (paragraph 7.6.3)


To clarify, although there is no communal bin store within Block B, the walking distance from its entrance to the communal bin store of Block A would be approx. 25m, which is considered acceptable having regard to the RDG and the Manual for Streets. This proposed communal refuse storage, along with that proposed in Block, is also considered to provide sufficient capacity for all residents, as advised by the RDG.


The proposed communal cycle stores would be located within Blocks B and C, to provide one space per unit, with the Block B storage also to be used by Block A. The walking distance would be approx. 30m, which is also considered acceptable.


Affordable housing (paragraph 7.9.2)


The provider of the shared ownership housing, Paragon Asra, has an established track record of delivering housing in Surrey as a Registered Provider, and the Council’s Housing Services Manager has raised no objection.


There were concerns in respect of the encroachment of the TPO canopies on the proposal’s communal amenity areas. As a result an informative was added to the officer recommendation to request that a future management regime, and scheduled tree works programme be submitted as part of the reserved matters application.


It was also agreed that an informative would be added in order to request that the greenspace proposed as part of the indicative landscaping plan be retained and not be used for the purposes of parking. A similar informative was also added to the officer’s recommendation to instruct the use of bollards to provide protection to the greenspace.


The officer recommendation to grant the application was proposed by Councillor Graham Tapper, seconded by Councillor Cliff Betton and put to the vote and carried.



I.         application 20/0090 be granted subject to the conditions in the officer report, a Section 106 agreement and the additional informatives; and

II.        The final wording of the additional informatives be delegated to the Executive Head of Regulatory in consultation with the Chairman, Vice Chairman of the Planning Applications Committee and the relevant Ward Councillors.


Note 1

It was noted for the record that Councillor Valerie White had been contacted by various members of the public in respect of the application.


Note 2

A roll-call vote was conducted and voting on the application was as follows:


Voting in favour of the officer recommendation to grant the application:


Councillors Cliff Betton, Colin Dougan, Shaun Garrett, Edward Hawkins, David Lewis, Charlotte Morley, Robin Perry, Darryl Ratiram, Morgan Rise, Graham Tapper.


Voting against the officer recommendation to grant the application:


Councillors Graham Alleway, Peter Barnett, Victoria Wheeler, Helen Whitcroft and Valerie White.


Supporting documents: