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Licensing Committee

This page lists the meetings for Licensing Committee.


Information about Licensing Committee

Licensing Committee Terms of Reference


Meetings of this Committee can be viewed from:


1.1          All functions relating to licensing as specified in Part B of Schedule 1 of the Local Authorities (Functions and Responsibilities) (England) Regulations 2000, as amended, including:


(a)          licensing functions under the Licensing Act 2003 (which excludes the statement of licensing policy)

(b)          licensing functions under the Gambling Act 2005 (which excludes the statement of licensing policy)

(c)           hackney carriage and private hire

(d)          street trading and street markets

(e)          caravan sites

(f)            food hygiene and safety

(g)          animal licensing

(h)          sex establishments

(i)            residual highways matters

(j)            licensing functions under the Scrap Metal Dealers Act 2013


1.2          All functions relating to health, safety and welfare in connection with work and control of dangerous substances as specified in Part C of Schedule 1 of The Local Authorities (Functions and Responsibilities) (England) Regulations 2000, as amended, except in relation to the Council as an employer.


1.3          To establish the Licensing Sub-Committee and such sub-committees and working groups as it considers appropriate.


1.4          To undertake any other function, not being a licensing function, referred to it by the Licensing Authority.


1.5          To recommend to Council, implement and keep under review, the Scheme of Delegation of Functions to officers in respect of any of the functions delegated to the Committee.


1.6          Where there is a right for an applicant to be given the opportunity to appear before and be heard by the Committee, to hear and determine such cases as are referred to the Committee.


1.7          To have power to make an Order identifying a place as a designated public place for the purposes of police powers in relation to alcohol consumption.


1.8          To recommend to the Leader/Executive, Council, or Strategic Director of Finance & Customer Services as relevant on estimates of income, fees and charges, expenditure and the budget required by the Committee to undertake its functions.