Issue - meetings

Performance Report (updated)

Meeting: 10/11/2017 - Joint Waste Collection Services Committee (Item 8)

8 Performance Report (updated) pdf icon PDF 581 KB


The Committee was presented with a Quarterly Contract Service Report and discussed the lessons learnt.  Members were asked to comment on the formatting and content of the report.


Some KPIs had not had satisfactory outcomes in Elmbridge for a number of reasons, including the number of staff who did not transfer across from the previous contractor and the difficulties in finding new drivers, the lower than predicted productivity of the crews and issues with the round data. Whilst performance had improved each month and the operation was now performing at a similar level to before Amey took over, this level was below contract requirements and an improvement plan was being implemented.  .  It was advised that Amey believed the next step in performance improvement would come as a result of the introduction of incab technology over the next few weeks.


It was mentioned that the level of detritus on the streets in Elmbridge (KPI 15b) was higher than the contract requirement when Amey took over in June and a 6 week remedial action plan had been implemented to address this.


It was also noted that the most recent litter and detritus survey (LADs) in Elmbridge indicated that litter had increased. This was being looked into.


It was noted that the Woking mobilisation started well, with all staff transferring across to Amey and performance against all KPIs meeting contractual requirements.


Members discussed the KPIs and sought clarification on KPI3, ‘missed collection not rectified’.  Officers advised that the KPI standard was to collect misses reported in the morning in the afternoon and misses reported in the afternoon the next day once the in-cab technology had been installed. In advance of that, a 24 hour return is required.



Some Members sought clarification regarding some KPIs and the targets and performance figures as some KPIs refer to absolute figures and some are expressed per 100,000 collections..  Officers advised that the KPIs were agreed during the procurement process, however The data could be expressed differently in the quarterly report if this would be clearer.


The Chairman suggested, with regard to tonnage of garden waste, that data be collected on the tonnages for last year for comparison. Officers advised that tonnagge performance data would be become an increasing focus as the mobilisations bed in.


Resolved that the report be noted.