Issue - meetings

Annual Internal Audit Report

Meeting: 15/07/2015 - Audit and Standards Committee (Item 4)

4 Annual Internal Audit Report pdf icon PDF 102 KB


In order to comply with the Public Sector Internal Audit Standards, the Executive Head of Finance, as the officer responsible for Audit, was required to provide a written report to this Committee which must:


·                 provide an opinion on the overall adequacy and effectiveness of the Council’s control environment and risk landscape;


·                 disclose any qualifications to that opinion, with reasons;


·                 present a summary of the audit work from which the opinion is derived, including reliance placed on work by other assurance bodies; and


·                 highlight any significant matters for reporting.


The Committee received a report which summarised the work undertaken by Internal Audit in the 2014/15 year. A large proportion of the work related to key finance systems; it was advised that External Audit placed reliance on this area of Internal Audit’s work. In addition, in 2014/15 24 audits had been carried out, 19 of which had been from the Annual Audit Plan and 5 of which had been ad hoc or unscheduled pieces of work.


It was noted that, in relation to the 4 Levels of Assurance used, of the audits fully completed, none had resulted in full assurance, 9 had received substantial assurance, 6 had limited assurance and none had nil assurance. A total of 81 recommendations had been made, of which 38 had been classified as essential/ high priority and 35 had been classified as desirable/ medium priority.


The Committee was informed that the overall opinion of the Executive Head of Finance was that the Council’s internal control framework was adequate and effective and was being managed with due care and attention. This opinion was based on the work of Internal Audit, the opinion of the Council’s external auditors, other assurance providers and regulators, plus the assurances that they had placed on the work of Internal Audit.


Members were advised that Internal Audit undertook mystery shopping where relevant.


The Committee discussed the 3G pitch which had opened at Frimley Lodge Park earlier that year and was informed that in order to allow sufficient time for the appropriate systems and governance arrangements to be established no audit had yet taken place. Members supported the proposal to schedule an audit of this new facility within the next few months.




(i)              note the 2014/15 Audit Annual Report; and


(ii)            support the proposal to schedule an audit of the 3G Pitch service within the next few months.