Decision details

Star Chamber Outcome Report

Decision Maker: Executive

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


The Executive RESOLVED that


(i)            subject to the amendments below, the proposals set out in section 4 of the agenda report be agreed


a.      the proposal to maintain the current opening hours for the reception at Surrey Heath House rather than reverting back to pre-pandemic arrangements, as set out at paragraph 4.3 of the agenda report, be supported, but further options for longer opening hours one day per week be explored;


b.      the proposal to reduce the number of amenity grass cuts this Council completes on Surrey County Council land by two per annum, as set out at paragraph 4.6 of the agenda report, be removed, but further opportunities for savings through joined-up working with partner organisations be explored and reported to the Executive in due course;


c.      the proposal to reduce the print editions of Heathscene, as set out at paragraph 4.16 of the agenda report, be removed but officers be tasked with further exploring digital options for Heathscene and increasing marketing revenue from the publication;


d.      the proposal to explore a shorter parade route for the annual Remembrance Sunday event, as set out at paragraph 4.16 of the agenda report, be removed but continue to be explored with key stakeholders;


e.      the proposal to discontinue the expenditure on a Christmas Tree for Surrey Heath House in its present form, as set out at paragraph 4.17 of the agenda report, be supported, but alternative options for Christmas decorations be explored; and


(ii)          responsibility for the implementation of the proposals agreed by the Executive and the associated adjustment of relevant in-year budget totals and Medium Term Financial Strategy totals be delegated to the Director of Finance & Customer Service in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Finance & Customer Service.


Report author: Rachael Bradbury

Publication date: 30/06/2022

Date of decision: 21/06/2022

Decided at meeting: 21/06/2022 - Executive

Accompanying Documents: