Issue - decisions

Surrey Heath Local Development Framework – Authorities Monitoring Report 2016/17

15/01/2018 - Surrey Heath Local Development Framework – Authorities Monitoring Report 2016/17

The Executive considered the Surrey Heath Authorities Monitoring Report (AMR) which had been produced in line with the requirements set out in the Localism Act 2011. The AMR monitored the period from 1st April 2016 to 31st March 2017.  The purpose of the AMR was to provide details of the actions which had been taken to implement a Local Development Plan and the Local Development Scheme, to indicate the extent to which policies in the current Surrey Heath Local Plan had been achieved, and to identify any solutions and changes where targets were not being met.


Resolved that the Surrey Heath Local Plan Authorities Monitoring Report be approved for the purpose of making the document publically available at the Council offices and on the Council’s website.